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The author built a successful digital marketing agency on Fiverr by leveraging their writing skills, overcoming personal challenges, and systematically scaling their business through strategic improvements and team expansion.


The author recounts their journey from shutting down an online fitness business to creating a thriving digital marketing agency on Fiverr. After battling personal setbacks and a major depressive episode, they found solace in writing and website design. The author began freelancing on platforms like Fiverr, which allowed them to create gigs and attract clients actively seeking their skills. Through consistent iteration, skill refinement, and the development of a scalable system, the agency grew to generate $250K per year. The author emphasizes the importance of identifying scarce skills, creating standout offers, learning from early clients, and incrementally raising prices with service improvements. They also stress the significance of systemizing processes, hiring and training staff, and expanding service offerings to meet client needs, ultimately leading to the agency's success.


  • The author values the importance of mental health support during their recovery phase.
  • They believe in the power of writing as a therapeutic tool and a potential career path.
  • Fiverr is highlighted as a preferable platform for freelancers due to its gig-based system, which contrasts with the application-based approach of other sites like Upwork.
  • The author advocates for niching down to reduce competition and stand out in the marketplace.
  • They suggest that offering more value for less money initially can attract early clients and provide learning opportunities.
  • Continuous improvement and iteration of services are seen as crucial for business growth and justification for price increases.
  • Systemizing business processes is considered essential for consistency, scalability, and efficiency.
  • Delegating tasks and empowering staff to improve systems is viewed as a key strategy for business expansion.
  • The author emphasizes the importance of identifying and offering complementary skills to increase client value and revenue.
  • Persistence, continuous learning, and improvement are deemed the top secrets to success in building a digital marketing agency.

How I Built a $250K/Year Digital Marketing Agency On Fiverr

And how you can too.

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After shutting down my online fitness business in mid-2018, I found myself struggling and lacking direction. I had tried various career paths and failed in all of them. My self-esteem was at an all-time low, I was feeling lost and confused, and I was haunted by traumatic experiences from my past. Ultimately, I suffered a major depressive episode in late 2018.

Thankfully, I had a great support system that helped me prioritise my mental health over the next 6 months. But I faced a dilemma: I couldn’t go back to my previous careers due to the risk of re-traumatisation. I also didn’t want to return to mundane administrative roles.

Writing saved me.

During my recovery, while not knowing exactly what to do next, I started writing every day and grew to love it. It’s actually around this time I started writing on Medium.

I taught myself how to build a website and launched tarafitness.com.au. To be honest, I didn’t have a clear plan. But I knew I enjoyed writing and setting up systems while attempting to build my fitness business. So, I figured that was a good place to start.

I considered freelancing.

I began exploring freelance websites, offering writing, systems setup, and website design. I faced some challenges and setbacks, including being permanently banned from Upwork for no apparent reason.

Then I stumbled across Fiverr, and it felt different. Instead of clients posting roles and requiring applications, freelancers could post a ‘gig’ that clients could find when searching for the skill they needed. This approach resonated with me, as I could create the best possible listing and wait for clients to come to me while using my free time to improve my skills.

So, I created an account, and that’s when everything changed.

Fiverr changed my life.

The decision to join Fiverr was the catalyst that changed my life. Over time, I continued to find new clients and offer improved services. This ultimately empowered me to build a digital marketing agency that made $250k last financial year.

But I know you’re not here for just the story. You want to know how I did it, and I’m here to share the steps I took to build a 6-figure agency.

How I built a digital marketing agency on Fiverr

Here are the 10 steps to building a digital marketing agency using Fiverr that worked for me:

1/ Find somewhere to sell a skill.

You already know I started on Fiverr… but you don’t have to. Choose a platform where you know people are coming to buy. This doesn’t mean you can’t build your audience on a social media network, but it may be more challenging.

2/ Identify a scarce skill.

Choose a skill that’s not overly saturated on the platform. Reduce competition by niching down, even if the broader skill category is highly competitive.

3/ Create a standout offer, make it cheap.

Research existing offers in your chosen niche and offer something bigger and better for less money to attract your first clients.

4/ Get paid to learn.

Your early clients might not pay much, but use these opportunities to learn and improve. Be transparent about your skills and experience, and most clients paying a small amount will give you the freedom to tweak and adjust.

5/ Iterate consistently and raise your prices with every addition/improvement.

Continuously improve your offering, and with every successful iteration, increase your prices to reflect the enhanced value.

6/ Rinse and repeat until you have the skill dialled.

Keep refining and improving your skills until you’re confident in your abilities and consistently delivering excellent results.

7/ Systemise.

Document your processes and workflows as this will ensure consistency in your service, and save time when you hire staff. Regularly revisit and enhance these systems to ensure efficiency and effectiveness.

8/ Hire and train staff to follow the system, give them the power to continue improving.

Delegate tasks to your team, giving them the autonomy to follow and improve the established systems.

9/ Identify a complementary skill your audience needs.

Identify additional services that complement your core offering and provide these as add-ons to increase your average client value.

10/ Rinse and repeat steps 3–10.

Continue expanding your service offerings using this template to become a one-stop-shop for your clients.

The #1 secret to success.

Keep pushing forward and never stop learning and improving. That’s the key to success in this journey.

How to get qualified leads on LinkedIn

Since 2020, I’ve:

  • sent 150,000+ DM’s,
  • generated 1,500+ qualified leads, and
  • raised $1,000,000+ in revenue.

DM’s work when you do them right.

Download ‘The Time-Poor Solopreneurs Guide to LinkedIn DM’s’ for FREE to find out how.

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