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How Finland Opened Its Doors to Help 14 Lucky Tourists Find Happiness

Can finding your inner Finn lead to a better life?

Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

We’re all chasing the warm embrace of happiness.

You know, that warm log-burning sensation in the pit of your stomach that makes you feel safe.

So what if someone promised you they could teach you the secrets of happiness? Would you take the chance? Would you even believe it was possible?

Well, Finland’s tourist board thinks they have they hold the secret to happiness and they decided to share it with the world. Ok, not the entire world, just 14 lucky competition winners who were passionate about finding their inner Finn and creating lasting happiness.

To do so, they put on a four-day masterclass with Finnish experts and put these 14 strangers through their paces to see if they could learn the key to happiness held in the heart of Finland.

The question is, can you really create happiness using the Finnish mindset, and if so, how can you recreate it in your own life?

Why Finland?

Before we look at how Finland believes happiness is created, we have to ask, why Finland. And the answer is simple…

Every year, there is a World Happiness Report. And in a not-so-surprising result, Finland topped the list this year for the World Happiness Report 2023. Typically, the Nordic countries tend to score highest in life satisfaction so it’s no surprise to see Finland taking the top spot. Plus, you know, it’s their sixth time in a row at number one …no big deal!

And there are many reasons why Finnish people are so happy:

  • Their summers are 24/7 sunshine
  • They take time to enjoy the simple pleasures in life
  • There’s an abundance of nature
  • They have the cleanest air in the world
  • They get to experience the Northern Lights 200 days a year
  • It’s a safe place to live

They have the landscape to help people reconnect with their happiness. And that’s led many Finnish people to learn how to make the changes that will bring them peace and serenity, ultimately boosting their happiness.

Photo by SaiKrishna Saketh Yellapragada on Unsplash

And now, we get to learn from their expertise.

What is the Finnish secret to happiness?

When talking about happiness, the creators of the Masterclass of Happiness (Find Your Inner Finn) have a different mindset.

Most of us see happiness as a state of mind we chase to get those delicious endorphins that make us feel alive. To the Finnish masters of happiness, happiness is a skill. A habit. A set of repeatable actions that can create longer-lasting happiness over time.

In the Masterclass of Happiness, these skills are split into four life buckets. Or as they like to call it, “The Happiness Mix.”

Nature and Lifestyle

The Finnish swear by the power of connecting with nature. Being outside, walking and enjoying the slow pace of the outdoors. And that’s exactly what this first part of the masterclass is about.

Photo by Jake Melara on Unsplash

Not only do they stress the importance of nature, but also in being more mindful of the way you live your life.

We can’t always control when workloads become overwhelming or someone has royally pissed us off for no reason, but there are always little ways we can adjust to make other parts of our life feel more grounded.

And that’s what this day is supposed to teach. How nature and slow living can be restorative and bring peace even when your life feels like a kitchen fire that won’t go out.

Design and Everyday

I’m sure you’ve heard of the Danish word Hygge. It’s the art of stepping back from the daily rush to live cosily and comfortably (usually with loved ones) to find tranquillity and happiness.

Well, the Finnish have their own thing and it’s called Kalsarikannit. Loosely translated, it means “drinking in your underpants,”

It refers to the idea that sometimes, a good time is simply staying in and having a chill night either alone or with a few friends. Instead of the idea that staying home drinking in your pants is “lazy,’ it shows an intentional decision to stay in and relax with no expectations.

Bet you’re glad you have the word for it now, right?

Of course, if you’re staying in, you need a home that’s going to aid your peace. That’s why the way you design your home interior is just as important to your mental health.

Photo by Alexandra Gorn on Unsplash

The Finnish like to create a unique blend of rustic, old-school furniture passed down through generations with modern pieces that incorporate technology and minimalism. In Finland, as with most Nordic countries, there is a tendency toward using natural materials to furnish the home, as it helps you keep connected with nature even when you’re indoors.

They also enjoy minimalism and simple, functional designs that make the most of their space. Very much a “cluttered home, cluttered mind” mentality.

The lesson here is to make your home a place that makes you feel grounded, safe and warm.

Health and Balance

Health is wealth, right? But influencer culture has led us down the path of extreme diets and unrealistic (for most) gym routines. Which unsurprisingly has done more harm than good for our overall mental health and happiness.

The Finnish approach is all about finding health through balance. Mixing cozy mornings in with outdoor adventures. Knowing when to rest and when to move your body (gently).

It’s also about finding ways to be more active in a way that’s meaningful to you. If you don’t enjoy the gym, maybe you’ll enjoy yoga outdoors. Maybe instead of a barre class, hiking is your jam. And perhaps instead of a grueling 10-mile run on the treadmill, going on an adventure course with friends is more your speed.

Photo by Luemen Rutkowski on Unsplash

The point of finding health in balance is to pursue meaningful ways of staying healthy that are sustainable and make you smile instead of hiding under the covers dreading the day ahead.

Life is a balance of emotion after all and the Finns know happiness will not, can not, and should not be a constant state. But the more balance we find, the easier it is to make the good times last longer in our hearts and bring us back when we fall down.

Food and Wellbeing

Food is more than just nutrition. It’s social, it’s emotional and it’s an experience. It’s a way to show your love and feel present.

According to the Masterclass of Happiness, the real joy in food comes from eating minimally processed foods you’d find in nature. Fruit, veg, fish… anything that comes pretty much ready to eat on its own. The idea is again, to feel at one with nature and the world around you.

Photo by Kelsey Chance on Unsplash

But it’s not only what you eat. It’s how you make and eat it. Learning to be present in your cooking process helps you feel grounded. And there’s no greater pleasure than sharing a good meal with the people you love.

And it’s this sense of groundedness, mindfulness and relationships that create the building blocks of wellbeing that manifest happiness.

The skill here is to really be in the moment with the people you love, doing the things that make you feel good.

So, what is the key to happiness?

I’ve been pouring over this masterclass, trying to understand why reading about it filled me with so much hope and positivity. Why, despite my psychology background telling me that if someone promises you the key to happiness, it’s probably BS, I felt weirdly optimistic about this one.

And it dawned on me just how simple this secret to happiness is.

It’s not about curating the perfect life or following specific feng shui advice. Those are just tools to help you create meaningful skills. Like training wheels on a bike.

The real secret to happiness is connection.

Connection to nature.

Connection to your environment.

Connection to your loved ones.

And most importantly, connection to yourself. To your body and mind.

Photo by Duy Pham on Unsplash

You see, we spend so many hours overthinking things that just aren’t important (even though they feel huge in the moment).

We forget that there’s more to life than the stresses we face. And those stresses are pretty hard to escape for most people. We can’t just run away from responsibility. We can’t avoid unexpected speedbumps like health problems and relationship problems. We can’t stop working, making money, looking after those around us… at least most of us aren’t privileged enough to do so.

But even with so much stress surrounding us, there are always moments to find happiness between the shadows. And connection is how we build them.

How will you build your happiness?

The harder question becomes, how do we take the lessons of the Masterclass of Happiness and apply them to our own lives? After all, we can’t all go and live carefree in Finland with amazing mentors guiding our every move.

I think the answer is pretty clear.

We need to take more time to be present. To be connected.

We need to focus on what we can change and stop worrying about what we can’t. We’re never going to be perfect and we shouldn’t rest our happiness on it.

We need to stop looking for the big life changes and start finding the beauty in small actions that seem insignificant in the moment but make a huge, lasting difference.

Forget scrolling TikTok out of boredom, go out to your balcony, garden, or local park and read a book.

Stop engaging with Twitter users and send a message to a friend, instead.

Don’t feel guilty about not going to the party, instead embrace the coziness of a nice night in alone or with a couple of friends.

There’s no perfect solution to happiness, but finding more ways to be connected is definitely one of the best paths to get there.

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