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Désirée Driesenaar discusses leveraging free publicity and AI for travel, joy, and awareness, focusing on the Peloponnese region, while also addressing the challenges of globalization and its impact on local economies.


Désirée Driesenaar, a systemic designer for the EU and founder of the science think tank Abundance 4 ALL, shares her experiences using advanced technologies like AR, VR, DAOs, and AI to enhance travel and community engagement in the Peloponnese region of Greece. Through a Facebook group called "Peloponnese Living," which she co-founded with Vivian Manolesou, they have fostered a community of 16K followers, contributing to the local economy by filling vacancies in hotels and real estate during off-seasons. Driesenaar acknowledges the complexities of globalization, such as inflating housing prices, but emphasizes the importance of individual choice and the role of local entrepreneurs in adapting to these changes. The group also serves as a platform for sharing wildfire solutions, with their work being recognized at COP28 in Dubai, showcasing their commitment to local climate resilience and ecosystem restoration.


  • Driesenaar values authentic storytelling and meaningful interactions on social media platforms, particularly through her Facebook group.
  • She believes in the power of community and the role of technology in connecting people and fostering economic growth in local areas.
  • Driesenaar addresses critics by highlighting the importance of individual choice and the potential for local businesses to benefit from globalization through smart marketing strategies.
  • She promotes the idea of being an active participant in the world rather than a complainer, encouraging people to embrace change and contribute positively to their communities.
  • Driesenaar is passionate about leveraging AI and IoT for practical solutions, such as wildfire prevention and response, and is actively involved in ecosystem restoration work.
  • She emphasizes the beauty of life and the importance of enjoying it while also being proactive in addressing global challenges like climate change.


How Do You Use Free Publicity and AI for Travel, Joy, and Awareness?

How do we communicate in a burning world?

The world is burning but we don’t want to enhance paralysing fear. So how do we communicate in a burning world?

Do you share your stories on Facebook and LinkedIn too? I do. My husband Mike and I are savvy grandparents on a planetary mission, using the 21st century to the max.

I love AR, VR, DAOs (decentralized autonomous organizations), and AI. And because I’ve been a B2B marketeer all my life, I market. And communicate through all channels.

9K on Medium. 11K on LinkedIn. And now a Facebook group with 16K.

Last summer I started a Facebook Group with my Greek friend, Vivian Manolesou. Peloponnese Living. We stay at her studio hotel during the off-season and we enjoy the Greek life. I can hear myself thinking in Greece. I love the history, the math, and the magic. And of course the immense natural beauty.

I’ll tell you some more about Greece soon.

The Facebook group grew nicely. We now have 16K followers and 20–25 posts per day from our participants. A graph as proof? Here it is…

Posted and commented on Peloponnese Living Facebook group.

The posts and comments are more important than the views. Posts and comments make it a group full of active participants. And it means I have to do less as an admin. Lazy me… I just lean back and let others answer the questions of our group. Hahahaha.

Bigger Aim

But I do have a bigger aim always. I’m not just about selling. Of course, we do that too. We need an income so apart from filling up the 10 quiet months for the local hoteliers, we also help the Greek real estate agents rent and sell houses and apartments in the group.

Our crowd of USA, Canadian, UK, and Greek (mainly Athens) people of whom many have Greek roots, want it. They crave it. They love it! And it’s full of empty apartments here and in the rest of the Peloponnese. So if we fill them up, it’s business for the restaurant owners, olive oil producers, foodies, and others.

But of course, there are also devil’s dilemmas. And I discuss them openly within our group. Sorry, dear friends, I always bring myself to the conversation…

If you don’t like to dive deeper, just don’t read me…

This is my Facebook post for today. All of it is true. That’s my ease. I don’t have to make up stories, they just fall into my lap by living the active, meaningful life I live.

My view from the hill in my village. I love love love Arcadia in Greece!

Facebook Post

“The devil’s dilemma of beauty. This picture is taken from the hill in Paralio Astros on the Arcadian Riviera. The place where I often go to think and look over the sea. I hope to see dolphins one day…

I like this group for your Greek roots. I like this group for your trust and appreciation. I just very much like this group. But of course, some people criticize us.

“You just bring greedy people to an otherwise calm and very Greek area”. “You are driving up house prices so young locals cannot buy.”

Well, the devil’s dilemma is that the critics are right. Our globalized economy with big differences in prices and incomes is definitely doing that.

But ALL people have a choice in life.

I told a Greek man about my mum (88). She has forbidden me and my sis to sell her house to the highest bidder when she passes on. She says: “Ask them for a motivation letter and sell the house to someone who needs it and will appreciate my home”

Please remember that all Vivian and I are doing is to bring business (all kinds of business, not only hotels and restaurants but also renovating or minding empty houses or accountancy or creative education or English tutoring or extra incomes for olive farmers and mushroom makers …) to the local Greeks.

It’s up to the local Greeks what to do with our gift. We just train them a little in online marketing too. It’s the 21st century and I do want my Greek entrepreneurial friends to profit from that…

And YOU? Are you a complainer who doesn’t see the evolution of the world? Or are you a participant who knows that everybody has a role and just looks at yourself deep inside and smiles about all the things you never thought about before?

We are a funny species IN an evolving planet Earth and life is sooooooo beautiful, it’s a waste of time complaining. Enjoy life, my friends!

Go outside and explore today…

Happy Monday! I’ll be talking to our team of wildfire solution specialists today. We are the Fire Guardians and we are getting our funding together now for our decentralized Autonomous Organisation (DAO) and the apps, community activation and ecosystem restoration work.

My colleagues go to COP28 in Dubai. Winter is the time for strategizing and making sure we redesign systems to become a resilient human species wherever we are…

The map of Northern Kynouria and all there is to explore (monasteries, Natura 2000) can be downloaded from this group. You find it in the files.”

Kynouria in Greece

My beautiful exploration area, the Arcadian Riviera.

As said, you can download this map and all the info for happy explorations from the Facebook Group Peloponnese Living.


Are you curious about our wildfire solutions? Local climate resilience is all that’s important right now. Here’s the video we made for the hackathon of the AIOTI. We won the hackathon. And now, it serves us well for the funding rounds in Dubai. COP28 is happening.

And the great news is… we will be present!

We already talked to Brazil, Australia, and Greece. And we will spread our solutions to many more decision-makers, stakeholders, and changemakers. The recipe is simple. A data lake, AI, and IoT. To translate the satellite and sensor data, and apps.

Combined with local community activation and ecosystem restoration.

Happy Monday, dear friends. And don’t forget to enjoy this lovely day wherever you are. Reach out via the comments. I’ll answer. Promise.

And if you are not seeing any wildfires today, it’s no use worrying about them. I’ll tell you when our apps and local solutions are available and you can get involved then.

Just influence what you can influence. That’s your role on this planet. Enjoy and play your role… Hands in the soil and feet in the sea.

We might meet somewhere soon…

💙 Systemic Designer for the EU. Founder science think tank Abundance 4 ALL © Désirée Driesenaar, 2023

And if you want a bit of a recipe for growing Facebook groups quickly, here it is. The recipe is simple. Read scanning (yesssss, I’ll make a story about super fast reading soon) and have honest conversations. Be YOU. It’s all people want you to be online… Just like real life… Hahahahaha…

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