How do you configure your Firebase Project for Android App in Compose Multiplatform?Go to Template and create your Compose Multiplatform App, check out the blog for detail steps: How do you create a repository from a template in Github? Creating a repository from a template in GitHub offers several benefits, making it a convenient and efficient way to… Create your firebase project, check out this blog for detail steps: How do you create a Firebase project? Firebase is a comprehensive mobile and web application development platform developed by Google. It offers a wide range… Select the Android icon and follow the stepsDownload and then add config file to your Android projectAdd Firebase SDKGo to project level build.gradle.kts and add Google ServicesGo to ComposeApp build.gradle.kts and add the google servicesAdd firebase bom in the same build.gradle.ktsAdd firebase common ktxGo to the manifest file and add the intenet and network access permisssionsGo to MainActivity and initialize your firebaseThanks;)