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How do I manage to study for 12 hours and write a blog post everyday?

My super productive routine.

Photo by Carl Heyerdahl on Unsplash

Everyone has 24 hours in a day then how are people able to get the maximum out of the day while others struggle even to strike off one task from our to-do list? It all boils down to one thing and that’s time management. If you master one skill then master time rest everything will just follow. You will outwork and surprise yourself.

Let me share my routine first.

Wake up at 4:30 AM.

I know it’s pretty early. I like to start my day early because it gives me ample time for myself so that when others wake up, I am already half done with my day. Also, there are health benefits for which I wake up. I freshen up have some water and then write my gratitude list.

Exercise from 5AM

After I am done with morning rituals, I go for a run. A pretty good run. I get ready with my joggers, running shoes, and smartwatch and hit the ground or road. It’s usually empty in the morning. I do usually 6/7 k steps and then come back home. Take a good shower and I am on the study table by 6 AM.

Study hours

My hours start from six in the morning.

6–7 AM: Medicine.

7:30 Breakfast by Mom.

7:30–9:30: Video lectures/study.

10:00- 12:00 : Study.

12:00- 2:00 : Lunch + Blogpost.

It takes around 1 good hour to write a blog post for Medium and then make the necessary edits.

2:00–5:00: video lecture/study.

1 hour long break.

I go out. Usually have some snacks, meet friends, or just do meditation. Things vary from day to day. This hour of day is just for me and I enjoy it.

6:00–8:30: Revise what I have read the whole day.

Sitting with family and having dinner with them till 9:30 PM.

9:30–10:30 PM : Orthopedics.

Sleep from 6 hours. Wake up at 4:30 in the morning and do the same things once again.

So that gives me a good 11.5 to 12 hours of study. An hour to myself and 40+ minutes of exercise, 6 hours of sleep, and time for writing a blog post.

How am I able to do it?

#1 Purpose

I am a very purpose-driven person and I want to do things and get things done. Moreover, I will become a doctor in some year’s time so I put in the work because I want to be a fine doctor and treat people which requires me to study for long hours. Have your purpose, find your why.

#2 Plan your day the night before.

Well, you need to have a clear vision of what you need to do during the entire day. For that, it’s always recommended you have your schedule in your hand the night before. Take a few minutes out and figure out your goals for the next day. This way in the morning you don’t have to think about what you need to do because it’s in your hand already. You are less anxious and more prepared for the day.

End note.

To conclude, I will say that this routine might not be perfect but it works for me. I am also not telling you need to follow this and you will crush it in your life. There are night owls who are productive as well, who start the day at 10 AM and still manage to get the most out of the day. I suggest you have a routine that makes you more productive. In the end, only that matters!

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Morning Routines
Illumination Curated
Time Management
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