avatarSneha Nagre


How Did I Find the Key To a Stressless, Tension-Free Life?

Photo by Omid Armin on Unsplash

All of u know how your life has got so stressful and has a lot of tension.

So what could be the reason?

You may answer that college work, official work, relationship tension, or marriage problem.

But these are just physical sufferings or material sorrow, not the real reason. So what is the main reason behind it?

The answer is our mind…Only we are the reason for our sorrow..so what it means? It means that our mind has some quality of energy that we called as ‘Gunas’ in yoga.

Quality of energy (Gunas)

In Yoga philosophy, all the matter arises from the fundamental substrate by fusion of Prakriti (changeable) and purush (unchangeable).

This Prakriti gives rise to 3 primary quality or Gunas i.e

  • Sattva -Harmanony and consciousness.
  • Rajas-activity and passion
  • Tamas-Darkness and chaos
3 gunas

All these gunas are present in every person in a different manner in less or more quantity

The more is sattva gun and less rajas and tamas..the more our mind in stressless and happier.

Thus our main goal is to increase the sattva gun and reduce the other two..

Let's discuss these gunas in detail and what they do to our body and mind.

  1. Sattva- It is a state of harmony intelligence, and pleasure. when you decrease Raj and Tamas u ultimately achieve sattva. It affects peace wellness, freedom, love, friendliness, focus, satisfaction, trust, calmness, belief, joy, fearlessness, selflessness, gratitude, and many more.
  2. Rajas-It is a state of energy and movement. Its nature is a lot of attraction and attachment. It creates euphoria, fear, anxiety, irritation, worry, anger, stress, courage, etc.
  3. Tamas-It is a state of darkness and materiality. It manifests from ignorance of spiritual truth. Its nature is laziness, depression, anxiety, guilt, shame doubt addiction, sadness confusion, dependency and ignorance.

Do the following things to manage this gunas.

To reduce Tama

  • Avoid tamsic food like heavy meat, alcohol, spoiled food, chemical food, and processed food.
  • Stop overeating.
  • Oversleeping.
  • Increase activeness.
  • Avoid fearful things.
  • Avoid laziness.

To reduce Raja

  • Avoid Rajasic food like spicy food, fried food, and stimulants.
  • Avoid over-exercising, Avoid overwork.
  • Stop overthinking.
  • Avoid loud music and noise.
  • Try to be calm when u are in anger or tension, just be positive.
  • Stop consuming excessive material goods.

To increase sattva

  • Reduce both Rajas and tamas guns.
  • Consume sattvic food like whole grain, legume, fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Have food in little proportion needed for the body.
  • Have a good sleep. Start performing yoga and pranayam.
  • Start meditating and be spiritual.
  • Accept all yogic practices. Be involved in joyful activities and be close to nature.

All gunas create attachment and bind onself to ego.

“When one rises above the three gunas that originate in the body;one is free freed from birth ,old age, disease and death and attain enlightenment.”(Ref..Bhagvat gita 14/20).

Just follow this lifestyle you will never regret doing it and get better results for sure.

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