avatarJames Boylan


How Can You Best Help Others

other than just waiting for them to ask you for help

Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash

Mother Teresa answered this best when she said “One filled with the joy preaches without preaching.”

When you are filled with joy, you are giving off positive vibes to the universe. This means that those who you are near feel the vibes strongly. Think back to when you were near a high-energy person.

Remember the vibes that you were receiving. Sometimes they were so strong with a particularly high-energy person that they gave you a shivery feeling. This is what recently I saw described as Spiritual Chills.

So, how can I help others? Talking the talk is not nearly enough. To help anyone, including yourself, you must walk the walk. It is not what you tell others nearly as much as showing others.

Getting back to the previously mentioned high-energy person, when they are smiling and obviously enjoying life the message is loud and clear. I AM happy, joyous, and free.

When a person tells you how happy they are and their face and body language say differently, it might not be a good message to heed. Have you ever talked with someone and they are looking at everything else in the area but you?

This type will be checking out everyone else in the room or area and seemingly not paying attention to you, even though you are right in front of their face and talking with them.

Then, there is the one who is always checking their phone. How annoying is this? Are they paying any attention to you at all?

So, how can you best help others? Give them your attention, give them your interest, give them your self. Then, it is time to simply add whatever advice you may have for them if they wish to take it.

How do you know if they wish to take it? If you are giving of yourself to them, you will know if they are ready because you will FEEL it. You will see it in their eyes and body language.

Thank you, God!

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