

The web content is an introspective inquiry into one's current state of being, encouraging a genuine assessment of well-being beyond superficial responses.


In a reflective piece titled "How Are You, Really?" the author invites readers to pause and genuinely assess their emotional state amidst a time of upheaval and change. The text acknowledges the discomfort and fragmentation that many may be experiencing, offering a space of acceptance and presence. It questions the reader's ability to be fully present, recognizing the discomfort that may accompany such vulnerability. The author inquires about the sources of joy in the reader's life, emphasizing that it's okay not to smile if it's not authentic. The piece further delves into the reader's thoughts and dreams, exploring what occupies their mind and inspires them. It also touches on the physical expression of emotions through dance, suggesting that movement can be a form of release and joy. Ultimately, the text serves as a reminder to breathe through the chaos, affirming that despite the current disarray, there is always a path to reassembly and peace.


  • The author believes that it's important to acknowledge and sit with one's true emotions, even if they are uncomfortable.
  • There is an understanding that being fully present can be challenging and sometimes painful.
  • The text suggests that safety and comfort are subjective and that only the individual can define what these mean for them.
  • Smiling is not mandatory; the author accepts all emotional states, including sadness.
  • Curiosity is expressed about the reader's thoughts, dreams, and sources of inspiration.
  • Dance is proposed as a metaphor for expressing one's self, with the recognition that dance can be both physical and internal.
  • The author holds the view that despite current hardships, there is resilience within individuals to overcome and reconstruct.
  • The piece emphasizes the importance of breathing as a grounding technique amidst chaos and stress.

How Are You, Really?

Pause, breathe, feel into it.

Photo by Chris F from Pexels

Things have fallen apart, and we have come undone. Unstitched at the seams. No longer fixed together. Are you riding the wave or buried under its weight? No matter. Waves eventually break. On this day, at this moment, I am with you. I am here, open and receptive to you. So tell me. How are you? How are you, really? I will not accept “fine” as an answer. So feel into it; I’ll wait.

How are you showing up to this moment? Is all of you here, or are there parts that are elsewhere? That is okay. Sometimes being fully present is uncomfortable, and often there is better than here. Sometimes there is also where pain, sadness, and grief are. There can feel like a safer place. No one can tell you where safe is for you. You know and you’re always right.

Who is making you smile these days? Tell me only if it matters to you. Smiles are not required. Sometimes frowns are acceptable. Come as you are. All of you are welcome.

What do you wonder about? I’m curious to know what keeps you up at night. Where your mind goes when it is lost in thought and what occupies your daydreams. Are you mostly in the past or in the future? I wonder what inspires you.

When last did you dance? When last did you flow freely in movement, through space? There are many ways to dance. Some don’t require any motion. Which do you prefer?

How are you, really? Pause, breathe, and feel into it. No answer is required, and silence is welcomed. Things have fallen apart, and so have we. Yet, we will be gathered and put together. We always do. So never mind the chaos, the storms never last. Breathe. Don’t forget to breathe.

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Personal Development
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