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Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang advocates for a shift in education where students focus on domain knowledge over coding, as AI advancements will soon allow programming through human language.


At the World Government Summit 2024, Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang presented a forward-thinking perspective on the role of AI in programming, suggesting that the future of technology lies in the ability to program with human language rather than complex programming languages. Huang emphasizes that students should concentrate on gaining expertise in specific fields such as biology, chemistry, or finance, rather than solely on learning to code. This approach, he argues, will enable everyone to become a programmer by leveraging AI's capabilities to interpret human language prompts. While coding literacy is still valuable, especially for those in the tech industry, the integration of AI in programming opens up opportunities for innovation and creativity beyond traditional coding skills. Huang's vision challenges the current educational paradigm and encourages a broader perspective on how technology can be applied across various domains.


  • Jensen Huang believes that the future of programming will involve using human language prompts with AI, making complex programming languages obsolete.
  • He suggests that students should prioritize learning about specific subjects they are passionate about, as AI will allow them to program without deep coding knowledge.
  • Huang argues that a deep understanding of a particular field, combined with the ability to use AI, will foster innovation and creativity.
  • Some people maintain that coding knowledge is still crucial, especially for those aiming to work in technology, despite AI advancements.
  • Huang stresses the importance of upskilling everyone to use technology effectively in their domain of expertise.
  • He envisions a future where AI enables everyone to program, democratizing the ability to create and manipulate technology.

How AI Will Soon Replace Coding


Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang has a unique perspective on what kids should study in school. At the World Government Summit 2024, Jensen shares an eye-opening view on AI in relation to coding.

He said that instead of just learning how to code, students should focus on learning about specific subjects like biology, chemistry, or finance.

Huang argues that with the rise of AI, we can use human language prompts instead of complex programming languages, making it easier for everyone to be a programmer.

“It is our job to create computing technology SUCH that nobody has to program. The programming language is human. Everybody in the world is now a programmer.” —Jensen Huang, NVIDIA CEO

So what does this mean for students?

It means that they don’t necessarily need to learn how to code to use technology effectively. Instead, they can focus on developing a deep understanding of a particular subject area.

For example, if a student is interested in biology, they can learn about genetics, ecology, and other related topics. This approach allows students to gain a broader perspective on how technology intersects with their chosen fields, fostering innovation and creativity.

However, some people argue that understanding coding is still important for those who want to work in tech. While AI may simplify certain aspects of programming, it does not eliminate the necessity of having a solid grasp of fundamental concepts.

In essence, both domain knowledge and coding literacy remain vital components of a comprehensive educational experience.

“The countries, the people that understand how to solve a domain problem in digital biology, education, manufacturing, farming, those people who understand a domain expertise now can utilize technology that is rarely available to you. It is vital that we upskill everyone.” —Jensen Huang

Huang’s ideas encourage discussion about the future of education and challenge traditional thinking. By prioritizing domain knowledge, educators can help students develop a well-rounded understanding of the world around them.

This approach also allows students to explore diverse subjects rather than being confined to one particular skill set.

In conclusion, Huang’s perspective on education suggests that we should shift our focus beyond coding and prioritize domain knowledge. While coding literacy remains important, it is not the only skill that students need to succeed in the tech industry.

Huang envisions a future where AI understands human language prompts, allowing everyone to become a programmer without needing to know traditional programming languages.

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Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning
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