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An individual was inspired to retire early and pursue a life of slow travel after a revelation while hovering over a toilet in Peru, leading to a strategic six-year plan to achieve financial independence.


In a profound moment of clarity while using a restroom in the Peruvian Andes, the author realized that the traditional work-life structure was incompatible with their desire to extensively explore the world. This epiphany, coupled with a dislike for long flights and the constraints of limited vacation days, prompted a reevaluation of life priorities. The realization that the body's endurance for such adventures has a finite timeline spurred the author into action. Over six years, they meticulously planned and executed a financial strategy that allowed them to leave their cubicle job and embark on a lifestyle of extended travel. This journey involved extreme saving, increasing income, investing, and creativity, without completely sacrificing their passion for hiking during this period. The author emphasizes that while the path to financial independence is unique for everyone, the key to change is taking action, and they encourage others to pursue their own 'toilet' moment of inspiration.


  • The author believes that the traditional work schedule and vacation allotment are insufficient for fulfilling one's travel aspirations.
  • They suggest that the physical demands of travel become more challenging with age, making early retirement an attractive option.
  • The author values slow travel and deep cultural immersion over brief visits to numerous tourist spots.
  • They advocate for the feasibility of financial independence and early retirement, despite the need for sacrifices and strategic planning.
  • The author maintains that there is no single path to achieving a life of travel and adventure, but that personal circumstances, goals, and resources will shape one's journey.
  • They express a willingness to assist others in mastering their finances to live a prosperous life, indicating a belief in the importance of financial education and coaching.

Hovering Over Toilets: Powerful Reason to Retire Early

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Sometimes, the most unexpected places can trigger life-altering revelations. In my case, it happened in a small Peruvian town at the foot of the majestic Andes mountains, while I was hovering over a toilet. Yep, you read that right — hovering over a toilet inspired me to quit my job and retire early.

Doing the Math

A rather simple math problem popped into my head. I thought of the numerous mountains I yearned to hike, divided by my allotted vacation days.

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The reality dawned upon me that, even if I miraculously never got sick and skipped all family holidays, I would still only manage, at most, two substantial trips each year. Considering my ever-growing list of dream hikes, scattered across the globe, this projected a disheartening 15 to 20-year timeline. Ugh.

Additionally, I considered the toll on my knees from hiking and bathroom acrobatics in far-flung locations. Already in my late 30’s, I was no spring chicken. I considered what my body would be like at 67 — full Social Security retirement age. On top of that, what would spending 35 years confined to a cubicle do to me?

The math was soul-crushing to me. The numerator, the denominator….something had to change!

Other Factors

There were other factors, as well. Flying halfway across the world and back, just for a week or two, multiple times a year, sounded horrible. My natural inclination towards efficiency and dislike for long airplane rides rebelled against it.

Image sourced from Canva

Why, for instance, should I travel from the U.S. to Switzerland, then back to the U.S., only to journey to Nepal a few months later? It seemed ludicrous. Instead, I dreamt of a slow travel approach — a many months-long, manageable journey of short distances between many stops.

I wanted to immerse myself in remarkable places for a more extended period of time. I wanted to see how people live, not run from tourist spot to tourist spot. A week or so is not enough to get to know a place, a people. In my travels so far, many of the coolest places involved hover-inducing bathroom situations.

I knew in my heart, slowly traveling the world, and exploring the outdoors and far-flung places was what I wanted most in this life.

I was stuck struggling between a cubicle and a dream!

Facing Reality

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The harsh truth is that “hovering over toilets” can only be endured for a limited phase of our lives. Unfortunately, this phase often coincides with our ‘prime’ earning years. We need shelter, and food…we cannot live on our dreams. I did NOT go home and immediately quit my job.

Much like bushwhacking through a trail-less wilderness, I embarked on my journey toward early retirement without a clear road map, uncertain of what to do or where it would lead. Luckily, because of the people who have gone before me, I had examples to follow and inspire me.

It took me about 6 years of extreme savings, increasing income, investing, and getting creative. But in 2023, I quit my cubicle job and started a life of slow travel.

To get here required sacrifices. I didn’t sacrifice everything, though. Even while saving, I never stopped taking my cherished 2 hiking trips per year.

The math is looking much better now! I’m no longer limited to vacation days. The number of places I want to go keeps going up, though. Now it's just a matter of how long I’m still able to hover!

Have You Had a ‘Toilet’ Moment?

The good news is that there exists a multitude of solutions for those who’ve experienced their own ‘toilet’ inspiration moment. No doubt, you have to figure out how to fund it, but there’s a whole world of opportunity out there.

Image sourced from Canva

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution. The path you choose will depend on your individual circumstances, goals, and resources.

The key is to recognize that change is possible for those who are willing to act. Your ‘toilet’ inspiration moment can lead to a fulfilling and exciting journey towards a life that you truly desire. Don’t wait until you see a clear path, just take a single step!

Master Your Money, Live a Truly Prosperous Life

Want to live a truly prosperous life? Don’t waste time. Maybe I can help!

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Early Retirement
Career Change Advice
Financial Independence
Extreme Early Retirement
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