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Zulie Rane And Tim Denning

Content creators that hold their own whilst providing value and giving back to the community

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon

We got a cat, a dog, and a bird in this story.

I am the bird up in the tree watching entrepreneurs Zulie Rane and Tim Denning rule the Medium playground.

I am sure I am not the only one.

I read many contradicting opinions, some calling Zulie a bitch and Tim’s writing ‘jabber-jabber’.

It is because of Zulie that I started writing on Medium. I had just moved into a new home in Portugal and it was a place conducive to writing.

There were a couple of cats [not mine] running around.

It was ‘homey’.

After some months of writing on Medium, I have come to an overall observation of both Tim and Zulie which I share in this post today.

Perhaps those of you who have been on the platform for much longer might have a totally different opinion.

One thing is for sure, they are talented entrepreneurs.

Photo by Jae Park on Unsplash

Zulie Rane the gracious cat [with sharp little teeth]

Zulie Rane is like a cat. She is graceful.

What I love most about her are her simplicity and authenticity, yet I won’t want to test her limits, she would know how to bite back.

If I lived in Boston I would want to go have coffee with her. I think she is smart and humble, somewhat adventurous, and a little shy.

She is loyal, yet winning her trust would be difficult I believe.

She also reminds me of a schoolteacher and I assume that is what contributes to her success with her students.

She is meticulous and calculating. She makes something look and feel spontaneous yet I believe everything she does is well thought through and strategic.

To this day I cannot remember how I came across Zulie’s youtube video, yet I liked what I heard and saw.

More so, I liked her.

I need to confess that I don’t follow Zulie’s every story. I actually read a story today and watched a video of her last week.

Generally, between writing and my work as an editor, I end up reading what comes on my newsfeed when time permits.

I am also not in her slack group or a student of hers, yet I am really happy about her success and loved this story where she talks about Six Bizarre Inconveniences of Being a Micro-Celebrity Online.

Photo by Oscar Sutton on Unsplash

Tim Denning the main dog

Tim Denning is the main dog here on Medium, so it seems.

Hey, I haven’t been on the platform that long, but they keep popping up in the feed and I gather they are the hot duo around here.

Tim wrote about Elon Musk and I was inspired to write Hidden Messages in Elon’s Ex-wife’s TedTalk, yet it was clear that he was not a fan of Mr Musk, so I was watching Tim like a hawk.

I had my metaverse goggles on the man.

Then he kept throwing swearwords around and I was watching him even closer.

Are you fucking with us I thought?

Just kidding, I don’t swear, except on here where we get to express ourselves at the moment.

Not long after that, I started enjoying his articles.

Such a free confident style he has. I like his story The Hidden Advantages of Working for Yourself by Making Money Online.

The main dog became the top dog.

I noticed him posting in ILLUMINATION and that Dr Mehmet Yildiz our Chief Editor has respect for him, so I started inviting Tim’s stories into my feed.

He says it as it is.

He seems to have a ton of experience making money online.

So nonchalant he is. He antagonizes people in such a smart way.

Super intelligent I believe as well.

I think the best writers out there are those who are so smart yet their writing sounds very casual.

It is like there is this magic potion mixed in and you will never know the real recipe even by scrutinizing their every word and absorbing their consistent advice on the platform.

The smart cat Zulie Rane and the top dog Tim Denning are artists.

They are masters of this platform.

They are content creators that hold their own whilst providing value and giving back to the community.

Photo by Yan Laurichesse on Unsplash


— It is always good to learn from those who have a lot of experience on a platform.

— No success comes without hard work and dedication.

— Support fellow writers.

— Always be open and sceptical at the same time with everything in life.

— Never judge a book by its cover.

Thanks for reading!

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Tim Denning
Zulie Rane
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