Hot Dogs! Surgery! Adventure!
Roz Answers Ten Random Questions
I’m grateful to Lynn L. Alexander this morning, because I logged onto Medium wondering what to write about and here’s what I found in my feed:
Random Questions! For me to Answer! And thus create a post that my loyal and tolerant readers will not only read but also post fascinating responses to.
Here we go!
Are you a morning person?
I woke up today at 7:30. Does that make me a morning person?
What is the most adventurous thing you have done?
Becoming a mom. Motherhood is a nonstop adventure.
What is your favorite amusement park ride?
Any ride that doesn’t scare the shit out of me or make me want to throw up. One of the best days of my life was when my thrill-ride-loving son became old enough to go on the scary rides by himself.
How many surgeries have you had?
Just three, so far. An abortion at 19, a C-section at 34, and laparoscopic surgery to remove a gigantic endometrioma when I was 38. The best surgery was definitely the one that resulted in my son.
Have you ever flown in a helicopter?
Nope. Never gonna happen. I hate them.
What is your favorite dinner?
Shabbat Dinner with my son and daughter-in-law and my three grandsons and their maternal grandpa. Although I’m a secular Jew and not at all observant myself, I always try to time my California visits to include at least one Shabbat dinner. There’s something special and timeless about lighting Shabbat candles and chanting the blessings together. And then, of course, eating Chinese food, as our ancestors did during their Shabbat dinners. Or undoubtably would have, had it been available to them in the shtetl.
What do you like to put on your hotdogs?
I only eat hot dogs in two venues: at the ballpark and in the cafe car on Amtrak. And when I do, I want every topping possible on that dog.
Could you kill someone to save your life or a loved one’s life?
Absolutely! I would totally kill anyone who posed a mortal threat to a loved one. (And I’m a very good shot.)
Otherwise, I’m not into killing people. I didn’t make it onto the jury for a murder trial years ago because when the lawyers asked me during the screening interview if I could order the death penalty for the accused guy — who was sitting right there at the defense table — I said, “probably not.”
What is a favorite concert you’ve attended?
Every single Jonathan Coulton concert I’ve ever been to. And I’ve been to 46 of them.
Would you still write on Medium if you won 10 million dollars?
Sure. I love to write, and I really love to write here.
But first, I’d take a bunch of that money and buy all my favorite Medium writers $1,000 cups of Ko-fi.
Medium writers! If you can’t figure out what to write about? Lynn has handed you a Medium Post Template. Feel free to run with it. And be sure to tag me — and Lynn — if you do.
Writing Coach and editor-for-hire Roz Warren, who writes for everyone from the Funny Times to the New York Times, can help you improve and publish your work. Drop her a line at [email protected]. (That’s Ros with an “s,” not a “z.”)