avatarBill Petro


International Talk Like a Pirate Day, originating from a 1995 racquetball game, was popularized by humor writer Dave Barry in 2002 and is celebrated annually on September 19 with a broad array of activities and merchandise.


International Talk Like a Pirate Day began as a humorous exchange between friends John Baur and Mark Summers during a racquetball game in 1995. The concept gained widespread attention when it was promoted by Pulitzer Prize-winning humor columnist Dave Barry in 2002. Celebrated on September 19, the day has no historical basis in the actual "Golden Age of Pirates" but has become a popular cultural phenomenon. It is marked by people around the world adopting pirate speech, attire, and enjoying themed events, merchandise, and social media engagement. Despite its playful nature, the day has become significant enough to warrant special recognition, such as a unique tee-shirt during the 2020 COVID pandemic lockdown.


  • The founders of Talk Like a Pirate Day, John Baur and Mark Summers, chose September 19 as the official date to avoid conflicting with the more historically significant D-Day.
  • The holiday's popularity is attributed to its non-restrictive trademark policy, which is considered more of a guideline, allowing for widespread adoption and parody.
  • The day's success is evidenced by its coverage in media, dedicated books, T-shirts, and other merchandise, as well as its recognition on social media platforms.
  • The association with Hermione Granger's birthday from the Harry Potter series further demonstrates the holiday's viral spread and cultural impact.
  • The holiday's pirate speech is a fictionalized version popularized by actor Robert Newton's portrayal of Long John Silver, not an accurate representation of historical pirate dialects.
  • The official website and Facebook page provide resources and community engagement for enthusiasts of the holiday.
  • The holiday is seen as a humorous and light-hearted way to celebrate and participate in a shared global joke, emphasizing fun and creativity in language and dress.

Humor Series: Talk Like a Pirate Day

History of Talk Like a Pirate Day

Ahoy, Matey!

Talk Like a Pirate Day. Image: Wikipedia

The International Talk Like A Pirate Day began not back in the “Golden Age of Pirates” in days of yore but in 2002. It is celebrated each year on September 19; though it started in the United States, it is now celebrated internationally across the Seven Seas.

The Tale of Talk Like a Pirate Day

“Cap’n Slappy” and “Ol’ Chumbucket”, the ”Talk Like a Pirate Day” founders. Image: Wikipedia

The legend goes that its origin was June 6, 1995, during a racquetball game between John Baur and Mark Summers, when Pirate expletives were uttered following an injury.

But because that date is also the observance of D-Day, the celebration was set instead for September 19, the birthday of the ex-wife of one of the two founders. Bellowing like a buccaneer was celebrated in relative obscurity by John, Mark, and their friends until one fateful day.

The Captain’s Log

In 2002, the American humor writer and Pulitzer Prize winner Dave Barry wrote a newspaper article about it and promoted the idea. The rest, as they say, is history. Unlike some of the newer Geek Holidays — like Pi Day, Foursquare Day, or Towel Day — this holiday has gained traction among a broader audience with growing media coverage, books, T-shirts, merch, and other booty.

The trademark has been non-restricted and is more what you’d call a “guideline” than an actual rule. The fact that Hermione Granger‘s birthday in the Harry Potter books is on September 19 shows that this parody holiday has gone viral.

Speaking of viruses, during the COVID pandemic lockdown of 2020, a special tee-shirt was developed to commemorate the strange year in true pirate style, using an illustration by Howard Pyle.

No Krispy Kreme for Ye

Back in the days of yore, specifically in 2016, Krispy Kreme offered a free Original Glazed Doughnut for talking like a pirate. If you dressed like a pirate, you would get a dozen free Original Glazed Doughnuts! In 2017, however, the event was canceled, much to the dismay of donut-loving pirate talkers everywhere.

The Ironic History of Talk Like a Pirate Day

Did Pirates actually talk like Talk Like a Pirate? Not likely.

Talking like a pirate is commonly credited to the British actor Robert Newton, from his depiction of Long John Silver in the 1950 RKO-British Disney first live-action feature film, Treasure Island.

Robert Newton as Long John Silver. Image: Disney Movies

His kind of quasi-Cornish accent of Maritime Pidgin English — pirates were originally recruited from southwest Britain locations like Penzance in Cornwall, England — became popular with subsequent actors who portrayed pirates in film, television, theatre, and radio.

The modern holiday is described on the official site here.

There’s even a Facebook Page about it here.

Q: Why couldn’t the Pirate graduate from 1st grade? A: Because he only knew one letter… “ARRR!”

Bill Petro, your swashbuckling neighborhood historian, me hearties! billpetro.com

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Talk Like A Pirate Day
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