avatarLorwen Harris Nagle, PhD


The website content emphasizes the importance of high-quality visuals in engaging readers and enhancing their understanding of online articles.


The article underscores the critical role that images play in capturing reader interest alongside intriguing titles. It discusses the neuroscience of imagery and the significance of visual narratives in the digital age, where visual culture is more prevalent than ever. The author highlights that 70% of sensory receptors are in the eyes, making the selection of compelling images vital for reader engagement. The piece outlines three key ways in which visuals impact reader engagement: by complementing the text, being of high quality and engaging, and evoking an emotional response that aligns with the article's message. It concludes by stressing the importance of strategic image use for comprehension, attention, and emotional connection, alongside the SEO value of titles and subtitles.


  • The author believes that the choice of image is as important as the title and subtitle in drawing readers to an article.
  • The article suggests that visuals, particularly well-designed ones like infographics, charts, and diagrams, can clarify complex information and improve memory retention.
  • It is the author's opinion that poorly chosen images can lead to confusion and detract from the reader's comprehension.
  • High-quality and engaging visuals are seen as essential for maintaining reader interest and making articles more accessible.
  • The author posits that low-quality, unrelated images can repel readers and negatively impact an article's effectiveness.
  • Emotional resonance in images is considered crucial for enhancing engagement, especially when the emotions evoked are relevant to the article's topic.
  • The author advises that images must be emotionally impactful and in tune with the article's tone and message to avoid alienating readers or damaging credibility.
  • The article concludes with a strong recommendation for the thoughtful and strategic use of images to improve the overall quality and impact of online content.

High-Quality Visuals Make or Break Reader Engagement

Eye Diagram Uveitis.jpg, National Eye Institute, Wikimedia Commons +Procreate addition of blind spot by the author

The image you pick is critical… as critical as your title and subtitle.

Reader’s click on your article for 2 reasons: 1. the title is intriguing and/or 2. the image peaks their curiosity.

In my last article — the neuroscience of imagery — I speak of the anatomy of the eye and how we see.

But what if I showed a visual?

Now you don’t just read the words “blind spot” and “retina” — YOU SEE where these areas are located in your eye.

You have a clear idea of how we see and you can APPRECIATE the powerful mix of what we see and what we add to what we see from our past experiences, emotions, and knowledge.

70% of our sensory receptors are in our eyes. This is why it is so critical to pick your article’s images wisely.

These images are visual narratives.

‘A picture is worth a thousand words’ is still true today.

Maybe more so, than in times past.

It is a fact: the 21st century is the most visual culture to date.

We may see more images in our lifetimes than previous cultures and we may be able to assimilate more images per minute than any other culture.

Here are 3 ways visual images make or break further reading of your article online:

1. Visual images that complement your text.

Well designed visuals such as infographics [like the one I began this article with], charts, and diagrams clarify complex information and difficult concepts. They make it easier for readers to grasp key points. They also improve memory retention.

On the other hand, poorly chosen images can confuse the reader and detract from comprehension.

2. High-quality and engaging visuals.

Striking photographs, captivating illustrations, and attention-grabbing images pique a reader’s interest and encourage continued reading. They also break up long blocks of text, providing visual relief and making the article feel more accessible.

On the other hand, low-quality, unrelated images produce the opposite effect, driving readers away from your article.

3. Images that evoke an emotional response.

Images that evoke emotions relevant to the article’s topic can greatly enhance reader engagement. For example, in a story about a heartwarming rescue — including a touching image of the rescued animal — could enhance the reader’s empathy and make your content more memorable.

On the other hand, inappropriate or insensitive images alienate readers and can adversely effect your article’s credibility.

It’s essential to consider the emotional impact of your visuals. They must align with your article’s tone and message.

In summary, when images are used thoughtfully and strategically, they have the power to improve comprehension, capture the reader’s attention, and evoke emotions that you want to elicit.

We are a visual culture. I’m here to share more about our visual habits and opportunities.

Remember: crafting a title and subtitle ranks high on SEO but your article’s images are critical too.

Content Marketing
Image Processing
Reader Engagement
Writing Tips
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