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To satisfy the potentially curious reader

Hi My Name Is Lori Brown

I am a perfectly flawed human. I am also a talented writer with a colorful history that will impress some and will irritate others.

Lori Brown photo by C.Butler

At the suggestion of a mentor Dr Mehmet Yildiz, the creator of the publication Illumination, I now present to you, in all of my realistic splendor, Me.

I used the word realistic, but don’t be fooled. That picture is me at my best. Hair, makeup, eyelashes, and pro lighting and a strategic backdrop color added in digitally.

I am a Mom. I am a Wife. I was once a widow. I am a guitar player. I am a poet. I love humans. I am a ferocious protector of small children, elderly people and animals. I am also a wild child at heart, and I have had my share of embarrassing tales.

Today I am a writer with experience in many sectors. My first ever paid writing gigs were about technology and cryptocurrency.

At the beginning of my career as a writer, I was not even going to try- it was only a dream. I imagined the glamorous life of a novelist. I didn’t fit the mold. Also, I did not aim for a writing career because I had a high paying career selling real estate. It was enough to get by with and I was able to enjoy flexibility.

I was always a writer at heart

I was successful in real estate because of my writing skills. I had a knack for reaching people, deeply. Something about this natural gift with words combined with my tendency to read people made it easy to identify what my clients were truly seeking. I was able to find people their best real estate options based on our communications.

Even then, my writing skills combined with protective, social nature made me a good REALTOR. Selling homes did not make me feel whole.

Writing made me feel whole.

The leap

With some encouragement from my other half I shyly approached a publication I admired with an article to submit. They loved it, published it and paid me promptly. It was a small amount but it was official- I was a paid writer.

When I first wrote a few articles for fun about Bitcoin, I was amazed by the response to my work. I was quickly offered a higher amount than the industry norm and I was pleasantly surprised by how natural it was for me to crank out amazing content- well researched and high tech topics were a breeze.

I decided (with a nudge from my partner) to do something huge

I quit my real estate career and leaped into a career in independent writing. It was scary but I did well. I am still doing well several years later.

I get to focus on using my gift to explain complex topics to the general public so that they too will be able to enjoy the benefits of cool technology as it emerges.

I have had the joy of working with news teams, collaborative projects and tons of startups.

This is still the beginning

I have much to learn, and much to teach. Thankfully we have platforms like Medium to exchange the valuable insights of the great minds of our time.

Thank you for reading about me, but I am not as interesting as the topics I write about. Enough about me. Let us get to the good stuff.


Personal Experience
Self Improvement
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