avatarJoe Luca


Joe Luca is an avid reader and writer with a diverse professional background, who values the power of words and observation, and is eager to engage with the Medium community.


Joe Luca introduces himself as a person who finds joy in learning about others but feels somewhat awkward discussing his own life. Born in Brooklyn between Babe Ruth's retirement and Nixon's first presidency, his love for words began early with a set of encyclopedias from the local supermarket. Joe's passion for words is profound; he cherishes their ability to convey ideas, provoke thoughts, and evolve within books. His career has spanned various fields, including finance, management, and home improvement, where his way with words has been instrumental. Joe draws inspiration from fictional observers like Sherlock Holmes and Mr. Spock, applying their keen sense of observation to his life and writing. He is excited to be part of Medium, a platform that aligns with his love for words and the exchange of ideas, and looks forward to contributing and connecting with other writers and readers.


  • Joe Luca values the impact of words and their ability to create powerful imagery and ideas.
  • He is somewhat self-critical and introspective, often questioning his life's trajectory and seeking self-improvement.
  • Joe believes that books are living entities that grow beyond the author's original intent and shape the reader's identity.
  • He has a pragmatic approach to his professional life, using his communication skills to succeed in various industries.
  • Observation is a key skill for Joe, one that he admires in fictional characters and applies in his personal and professional life.
  • Joe is enthusiastic about joining Medium, viewing it as an ideal environment for sharing and exploring ideas through writing.

Hi… My Name is Joe Luca

And this is my introduction.

Photo by j zamora on Unsplash

Introductions have never been my strong suit. I’ve always enjoyed talking to others; finding out who people are, what they do, where they have been, and finding those little gems within their lives, that make mine so much more enjoyable. But embarking upon a dissertation of what I do, and where I’ve been and how all those things have eventually led to the person standing before you, makes me feel a little awkward. Makes me take too close a look at all the moving parts and begins an internal process of — are these things working as well as they should? Is there once again some room for improvement?

But alas, that’s my problem and should not interfere with a brief look at the person behind the words.

I was born in Brooklyn in …. well, sometime after Babe Ruth retired and before Nixon became president for the first time. I guess that makes me old enough to know better and young enough to still be fascinated by everything around me.

My mother purchased a set of encyclopedias from the local A & P supermarket (one volume with every $20 purchase) and thus began my love affair with books. I was two years-old at the time and began reading shortly thereafter. I’ve never stopped.

You see, I love words.

I love the sound they make when grouped together with passion and purpose and a desire to gently explode inside a person’s mind, filling it with all sorts of ideas and images and the occasional OMFG what was I thinking.

I love books as well. Because books contain lots of words that live together and grow and gradually evolve into something beyond what the author originally intended. They take on a life of their own and over time, become a small part of who that person is.

But my life has been more than books. I have worked and lived in New York and England and California and have used my love of words to create a good life for myself and my family.

I have used words to communicate successfully in business. To find people’s passions. To discover what makes them tick, what makes them focused, what makes them care. Thus, I have cobbled together successful careers in finance and management, mortgage and the Internet and lastly in my current field of home improvement. An occupation that relies heavily on the use of words and the observational skills I have acquired over the past 50 years.

That’s the other thing that I have always loved to do. By way of explanation, some of my heroes are Sherlock Holms and Mr. Spock, Hercule Poirot and Agatha Christie. All keen observers of people and life.

The more I observe and take note, the more I learn and feel the need to fill in the inevitable gaps with more reading and tend to the ever-present desire to write all about it.

And that brings me to Medium. An amazing place, where one is surrounded by words, and by those who write them. Where ideas are free to roam and where shoppers can have as much as they like. Now, that’s my kind of place.

Happy to be here. Happy to hear from you.

Dr. Yildiz asked me to write and edit and I of course, am very happy to do both. I am very interested in what all of you have to say and hope that over time, we will get to know one another much more.

Take care …

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