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Hi, I’m Misa

I Love to Write

“Courtesy of Misa Ferreira de Rezende”

My real name is Maria Luiza Ferreira de Rezende, but a long time ago my oldest sister who was a little girl didn’t know to call the name of her baby sister and then she said: Misa. From that time on, I’m Misa. Everybody calls me Misa. I’m Brazilian from Minas Gerais State.

Well, I never thought I could write something. Believe or not, I was about the fifties when I wrote my first text: The Cigarette Girl. Then, I wrote another one. I had few articles when I decided to finish my Literature Course and this was wonderful for me, for I found out real treasures in those classes and books. After that I attended a Specialization Course, but I had still few pieces.

Then my mother got sick, she had Dementia and my life was upside down. She was always a tough woman and when she got sick I had a surprise: she began to externalize a sweet tenderness. Of course Dementia is not a good thing, no disease is, but we both had a loving case. I felt an urgent need to register everything I was experiencing. I had to write a book telling our story of tenderness.

So I did. I wrote: Dementia, the Rescue of Tenderness. This book opened many doors inside me and from that came others: a book of chronicles, a children’s book, a book of short stories and a book of poems. Others are waiting at the publisher, others inside me. I have a blog, I write for some newspapers of my city and I write on Facebook.

It is a great pleasure to write for Medium e for Illumination.

I love to write.

Writers Life
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