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HHH-Healthy Half an Hour. The Book


Hi, I’m Andrey.

Hi, my name is Andrey Pilipets. I’m your trainer today. Welcome to my HHH-Healthy Half an Hour book!

Is this book a good fit for you?

Yes, if you want to be healthy. Also, at least one of the 3 reasons below is true for you:

1. PUSH. You want to start moving. You need a push for that. Or you need guidance. This book will tell you how to motivate yourself.

2. SAFETY. You have reasons to exercise without lifting weights. These could be injuries or medical conditions. Please consult your doctor for that.

3. FUN. You have some fitness routine but you find it boring. You want to surprise yourself every time you exercise.

What‘s in it for you?

  • you get your weight, blood pressure and cholesterol to the green zone
  • have more energy to do things you have to do and things you love to do
  • learn doable and simple bodyweight exercises
  • have fun with creative, surprising workouts
  • get professional advice from someone who does it all day every day for 12 years

How I created HHH program. BootCamp, Martial Arts and COVID

  • BootCamp background. I’ve been a BootCamp trainer since I started working as a fitness trainer. I used to train up to 60 students in 8 groups plus personal sessions.
  • Martial arts background. I’ve also been a dedicated martial artist. My highest achievement was 2nd place at the World Cup in 2016.
  • The COVID factor. Mr COVID came to me in 2020 and sent me into a knockout. His ‘Long COVID’ brother followed suit. I’ve never felt weaker in my life. I’ve been out of my martial arts training for almost 2 years.

When life puts me in a situation, I learn my lesson and ask myself a question. What should I do with it? I used my weakness as an opportunity. I used to feel what my students felt training with me. I tried walking in their shoes.

I came up with the Healthy Half an Hour program. HHH, for short. The idea was to rebuild my health and record the workouts. I did everyday classes, 30 minutes long. No editing, just live. I kept a spreadsheet file to make sure exercises didn’t repeat. I used my principles of a good workout. It’s been a fusion of BootCamps, martial arts and my post-COVID weakness.

It was hard! The challenge was there. Like a good scientist, I tested my workouts on my weak self. My extreme weakness made HHH workouts doable for most of my students.

Result? I rebuilt my health and made this program available for you. I have 100+ 30-minute long videos of me doing exercises. I also got back to my martial arts training and achieved 2nd place at the World Cup in 2023.

What are HHH features?

  • everyday exercises
  • 30-minute workouts
  • total body moves
  • time-based approach
  • exercises don’t repeat

It’s a good book for you if you want to be healthy. You need a PUSH, seek SAFETY and enjoy FUN. You’ll find them in this book.

Thank you, dear readers! This was the intro of my book ‘HHH — Healthy Half an Hour’. Your feedback is appreciated! To be continued…

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