

Debra is a writer, bookseller, and naturalist with a background in science, a passion for cats, and a strong aversion to injustice.


Debra, a member of the tail end of the Boomer generation, has led a life marked by frequent moves and a resulting difficulty in forming deep relationships. Her love for writing was sparked in childhood by fan fiction for female-led action shows, and it became a refuge during her school years due to crippling shyness. Despite her dream of becoming a novelist, she pursued a career in science, earning degrees in Horticulture, Biology, and Natural Resources Management. However, she found her calling in the book industry, retiring after 34 years to become a freelance writer. Debra's writing style is characterized by a strong voice and a preference for complex vocabulary, reflecting her diverse interests and expertise. She is also an environmentalist, artist, and advocate for social and humanitarian issues, with a particular disdain for injustice.


  • Debra prefers deep, meaningful writing over short pieces or listicles.
  • She values the richness of the English language and its ability to convey complex ideas.
  • Debra is an advocate for the use of Oxford/serial commas in her writing.
  • She identifies more with animals than people but is actively trying to improve her social interactions.
  • Debra has a penchant for light sweet coffee, dark bitter chocolate, and fried foods, reflecting her Southern upbringing.
  • She is passionate about conservation, environmentalism, and gardening, holding titles such as Master Gardener.
  • Debra's favorite vegetable and fruit are tomatoes, highlighting her sense of humor as a horticulturist.
  • She encourages readers to connect with her on Medium, indicating a desire to engage with her audience.

Hey, Y’all, I’m Debra. Here’s More About Me Than You Probably Want to Know.

Writer, bookseller, naturalist.

Photo by the author.

I love cats and I don’t like pictures of myself, so you’re likely to see cat pics when you see my avatar. This is my cat Violet in the middle of a power nap.

I was born at the end of the Boomer generation to a military family, and I was their first child. We moved about every two years, so I learned how to make superficial friendships quickly then let them go. Deep relationships were (are) alien to me.

My interest in writing began in sixth grade when I began writing fan fiction (before there really was such a thing) for TV shows like Charlie’s Angels, and The Bionic Woman. These shows were seminal for me because there were precious few female-led action shows at the time. Looks like little has changed since then…

When it came to school, I was one of those kids crippled by shyness. Writing became a refuge; given the choice between writing a 20-page paper and giving a 10-minute talk in front of the class, I’d pick the paper every time. Writing was always easy for me, and I was the state spelling bee champion in junior high.

Though I long held a secret dream of becoming a best-selling novelist, I majored in science in college. I graduated with a BS in Horticulture and Biology, and went on to get an MS in Natural Resources Management. I envisioned a career doing fieldwork for the US Forest Service.

For various reasons that I won’t bore you with now, this career never happened. I wound up with a career as a retail bookseller managing a store for B.Dalton Booksellers, and later working for Barnes and Noble after B. Dalton was bought out by them. I retired after 34 years in 2018 and finally hung out my shingle as a freelance writer.

I had been doing a lot of manuscript editing and proofing on the side for the 10 years before I retired, and for some reason I felt fully prepared to handle a freelance writing career. I have since learned there is a lot more to writing well than just being good at grammar.

My writing has a strong voice, but leans towards the pedantic — and I love making use of my large vocabulary. I don’t understand the writing mantra, “Never use a big word when a small word will do.” Language is so magical and powerful, and English is particularly rich since it draws from a number of other languages like Latin, German, and French. (I also am a fan of Oxford/serial commas so you’ll always see those in my work.)

So, I’ve got the brain of a scientist, the heart of a writer, and the soul of an artist. You won’t find me knocking off short little info pieces or listicles — I’ll leave those for others. I’ll give you research-backed pieces, emotional essays, and dark stories with twisty endings like this one.

I’ve got the brain of a scientist, the heart of a writer, and the soul of an artist.

I’m a conservationist, environmentalist, horticulturalist, and Master Gardener. I design and make jewelry, draw badly, and sing along with the radio. I love light sweet coffee, dark bitter chocolate, and anything fried. My tastes were honed in the South, but my spirit belongs to the West and wide-open spaces. Tomatoes are both my favorite vegetable and my favorite fruit (horticulture joke!), but I love blueberries, too. I love the smell of lavender and pumpkin spice. My favorite flowers are white roses and lilacs.

And this may be the most important thing about me: Although I am more comfortable with animals than I am with people, I care a great deal about social and humanitarian issues. And I despise injustice in any form. It infuriates me.

If you’ve read this far, I thank you. I’m trying to become more of a people-person, so please reach out if you’re of a mind and connect with me on Medium DRM.

About Me
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