
42 Articles in 30 Days — My Results, Stats And Earnings.

Here’s How Much Money I’ve Made For 42 Articles With 35.5k Views.

Image credit Selfie by Authors

Hey there, I’ve come again with a new earnings report, and a lot of lessons It’s true that writing online is not all about money, It’s your personal growth.

Once you have determination then no doubt you can achieve anything and the good thing is that the universe also supports you.

  • New month
  • New aim
  • New results
  • New lessons

I know that the writing journey wasn’t always easy but be ready for the challenges you’re going to face in this career.

Such as:

  • How to be disciplined in writing, especially if you are a new writer.
  • How to share useful & attractive content with an audience.
  • How to get new words every time I start writing on specific topics for a specific audience?

Because these are very necessary ones.

Once you know this it increases the real chances of your growth.

My views!

Here are the views in the last 30 days.

The total number of views in the last 30 days from September 01 to October 01 (2023)

But remember, don’t compare your progress with my progress Because it took me 2 years to reach at this milestone.

Maybe you have 2nd and 3rd month with writing stop in this way I highly recommend to all of you keep adding more and more posts.

If a non-native writer can do this then, to be honest, It’s an achievable goal for yourself too.

At the beginning of the month, I set a goal to enroll myself in the four-figure writer.

Finally, after The help of GOD, (and also Thank you for reading my writing) check the results.

This is my earnings in the last 30 days screenshot by the authors

Wow! Congratulations your next words will be, so Once again thank you in advance.

But the other things we all writers need to know if we truly want to succeed in online writing.

There’s no guarantee that you as a writer make more money every month which means ups and downs are part of life never ever compromise with content.

Now, the following lessons are very important.

  • Improve writing skills day by day, by listening, reading, and writing
  • Celebrate your achievement It doesn’t matter how big or small it is for example if you’re making money online then it clearly shows that you have some potential over time you can increase just by putting in more effort.
  • Consistency and a positive attitude & gratitude are good ways to improve progress.
  • Don’t hesitate to ask for help from other writers. The help would be in different shapes like how to write good-looking headlines and pro tips and must include these habits inside yourself.

In the end, Hopefully, my journey really inspired you to just keep writing, and keep improving.

Income Report
Writing Tips
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