avatarPavane Ravel


Let Me Introduce Myself …


My name is Pavane Ravel and I have had an interesting life. At least I look at it that way. My education is from various universities. I studied Political Science and Journalism at southern state university. I attended classes abroad at the University of London and a university in Rome.

I loved Europe and got to see England, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Italy, Austria, Germany and Spain. I lived abroad for over a year, until my parents demanded I come home. I was heartbroken. And I suffered from cultural shock in coming back to the States again.

I was very used to the culture of sitting in the outdoor tables — especially in England, Germany and France — where students and people of all persuasions came to talk. They were capitalists and communists, poets and philosophers, artists and writers. And we all argued and rearranged the world. Sometimes things came to fisticuffs, genuine fights of high passion and opinion. But the next night we were back at it, sitting with our brioche and wine, to do it all over again. I loved these loud, boisterous discussions. I learned so much by listening. I argued my fair share too. I never hit anyone though.

Upon my return, I went back to college to finish my degree. I will admit, I had a hard time adapting.

At university, I found no one would talk with me. I was still wearing French dresses. I did not own jeans. I found the culture to be beer and football. The students did not argue the world. Eventually, I found a group of foreign students to talk with. They had many thoughts and opinions on politics, world affairs, literature and more.

Then, I met the most beautiful boy I’d ever seen. I married him three years later. And we ran away from our parents. My family was Catholic, his Jewish. Both parents were very angry with us. And we were so poor. He went to law school and I went on a bender and became the Director of a state Libertarian Party. (My politics have long since changed.) I grew up in a conservative political family. My father was a city commissioner and my uncle, mayor. So, I knew politics. My directorship was during the time Ron Paul was running for President and Alicia Clark was National Director. But it didn’t pay well and after a time, I had to move on.

I wanted to become a commodities broker. I went to talk with a manager of a commodities trading firm. As I walked through the firm, I noticed the brokers were all men. I didn’t care. Looking back, I’m amazed the manager gave me the time of day. He laughed. I wasn’t laughing. I finally got him to agree that if I passed the exam for a Series 7 License, he would hire me. He laughed some more, feeling confident I would never pass. I passed. I became a broker. I got fingerprinted by the FBI. This was during the time when Anwar Sadat, the President of Egypt, was assassinated and gold plummeted.

During this time, I also became an anchor on Financial News Today, reporting on the domestic financial markets. Live TV is hard. But I learned. A year or so later, Ted Tuner absorbed Channel 36. Financial News Today was replaced by movies.

My husband and I wanted a family. We created the most wonderful children. And grew them up. With my first baby, I tossed out the TV. From then on, we read books, created plays, composed music, played the piano, studied art, and concentrated on school. They were wonderful students and wonderful people. Now, they are C-class executives in their corporations. They worked so hard to get there. Obviously, I am very proud of them.

During these years, I began to write my second novel. My first was a 300 page hand written book when I was a teenager. I wanted to find out what it took to write a fiction novel. That book will never see the light of day. It was only for me anyway.

But during my Mom years, I began another book, Hepplewhite. It took me years to finish due to other priorities. But I did finish. The book is even formatted for web publishing now, cover and all.

Hepplewhite Art

Then, my attention was averted. I didn’t want to spend time promoting it. So, for now, I’ve set it aside.

I haven’t returned to it because I got involved in a new series — The Other Shoes of Larry Martin. I was fascinated. I still am, as I near the ending of Book Four. Soon, I will start looking for an agent. If I don’t find one, I don’t mind. I am happy with other avenues. There are so many!

From childhood, I have always wanted to be a writer — and do it full time. Finally, finally, I can.

I’ve recently begun writing on Medium and Illumination. And I am honored to do so.

Thank you Dr. Yeldiz for inviting me to Illumination. It is exciting, and I am truly proud to participate and join a community of great writers!

With love to you all,

Happy writing,


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