avatarMelody Campbell


“I have to be alone very often…That’s how I refuel.” ~ Audrey Hepburn

Hello, I’m an Introvert in a Social Media World

“When I discover who I am, I’ll be free.” ― Ralph Ellison, Invisible Man

When I was growing up I was described as “painfully shy”. I couldn’t speak to anyone that I didn’t know. However, if I knew you — if you were part of my family or our circle of friends or neighbors — I was quite the chatter box.

“Quiet people have the loudest minds.” Stephen Hawking

Photo by Danny on Unsplash

I’ve always been a reader. I learned to read before I was even enrolled in kindergarten. My favorite place was the school or public library. While my younger sister was somewhere in the neighborhood digging in the dirt or climbing a tree, I was either at the library or returning home from the library heading straight way for my bedroom where I’d curl up with a stack of books.

I was comfortable living out my imaginations with a book. I guess maybe because it occupied my mind. I could get completely lost in a story and tune out the rest of the world.

This painfully shy child grew up to be a commission sales person. What?! I learned that I loved to communicate and got over being shy. I started my own business and work in digital marketing and social media is a main marketing channel.

Photo by Tony Liao on Unsplash

Now, I can speak to anyone, anywhere, anytime. However, I discovered that although I love to communicate with people, it actually drains me. For my own mental and emotional health I need to have hibernation time. This is time where I check out and go silent.

“I have to be alone very often…That’s how I refuel.” ~ Audrey Hepburn

I used to chastise myself for not being much more high profile online. I would “bully” myself for going dark and checking out. I thought something was wrong with me. Why couldn’t I be consistent? Why did i want to run for cover after a few days of consistent promotions?

One day it dawned on me — I am an introvert. I must have downtime to be effective when I’m with people!

I am no longer shy. I don’t have trouble communicating but it drains me to connect with others.

What fills me up and charges my inner genius is reading, stories, and not talking. Just me and my dog — and a good book or good movie.

“People empty me. I have to get away to refill.” ~ C. Bukowski

But look out — once my inner genius is charged I come out of hibernation with a lot to share!

I’m pretty good once I create a routine and a plan so to help me create some consistency online I created 365 Daily Social Media Prompts. Now I just have to show up and create content!

I’d love to connect! If I don’t respond right away I’m just recharging! Medium Facebook LinkedIn The Small Business Guru

You might enjoy the stories from some of my friends here on Medium: Dr Mehmet Yildiz, JeffHerring.com, Tim Maudlin, Helen Boss, Trista Ainsworth, Olga Ward/Beaverton Neurofeedback, Brett & Butter, Gary Ryan Blair, Michele Thill, Mary McNealy Czarnecki, Brooke Wilkinson.

Thank you Dr Mehmet Yildiz for creating the Illumination Community!

Social Media
Personal Growth
Life Lessons
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