avatarR. Scott


Hello Illumination

Nervously introducing myself to a new world.

Photo by my wife, Magali

Hello Illumination

My writer’s name is R. Scott, and I am not only new to Illumination, but I am also new to Medium. I started writing again in September 2020, after 30 plus years out of it. I am not a professional writer, nor ever plan to be one.

I joined Medium to give myself a place where I could actually write my book, slowly, and get further than the first page. My first article is actually the first chapter of my book.

After joining, I realized the joy I used to have writing stories. Previously, when I wrote, it was for pure pleasure. Now I find myself not only writing my book, but that writing has become therapeutic for me.

About me

I grew up a Navy brat, and because of that, by the time I graduated high school, I had experienced living in more places than most people do in their entire life. At the age of 21, I joined the Air Force for 10 years, where I continued to experience different cultures and places.

As a child, I lived in San Diego, China Lake, Cheyenne, Hawaii, Guam, and the Napa Valley. As an adult, I experienced Spokane, Italy, Germany, Kuwait, South Korea, and the North Pole ( Thule Greenland). Yes, I met Santa Claus.

I have spent the last 24 years working in Law Enforcement. I have been assaulted, threatened, and shot. I have seen the worst that humans are capable of, and I have seen the best. I have many stories to share from this part of my life, which my book will be about.

The best thing I have done in my life is to be a father. I have four children with my first wife and three with my second. I have been a coach, a scout leader, a mentor, and a big brother. There is nothing I am more proud of than being a father.

My Writing

Everything I write comes from my heart and soul. I write about my experiences, feelings, and thoughts. I can be a smart ass and tell it like I see it. I will never write something just to write. There is always a purpose.

By sharing my experiences, my hope is that I can help one person, make one person smile, and add something to one life. If I can do that, I will be successful.

At the time of writing this bio, I am still working on my first piece for submission to Illumination. I want to make it memorable. I would like to thank Dr. Mehmet Yildiz and Illumination for this opportunity.

Sample of My Poetry

My hardest piece to write so far

My first piece, and only one curated so far

Dr Mehmet Yildiz
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