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Lanu Pitan is a retired Chartered Accountant with a passion for nature, spirituality, and preventative health, who writes on Medium to share her insights and experiences.


Lanu Pitan introduces herself as a nature-loving, spiritually-inclined individual with a background in finance. She is a divorced mother and grandmother who has traveled extensively and values truth and hospitality. After a successful career as a Chartered Accountant, she now manages her own company, volunteers, and writes, focusing on the intersection of nature, spirituality, and health. Lanu's writing on Medium reflects her desire to connect with her passions and move away from the corporate greed she experienced. She emphasizes the importance of preventative health care and nutrition, aiming to educate and inspire her readers to make informed choices for a healthier life.


  • Lanu believes in the spiritual significance of nature and is passionate about exploring this connection in her writing.
  • She values honesty and is uncomfortable in situations that suppress the truth, particularly in politics.
  • Lanu is critical of corporate greed and the negative impact it has had on her, which has influenced her decision to focus on writing about spirituality and health.
  • She is an advocate for preventative health care, emphasizing the importance of lifestyle and dietary choices in maintaining good health.
  • Lanu appreciates the community aspect of Medium, encouraging interaction through comments, highlights, and applause.
  • She acknowledges the challenge of article rejection by publications but values the encouragement and opportunity for improvement that platforms like Illumination provide.
  • Lanu is committed to lifelong learning, as evidenced by her enrollment in a Professional Certification Course in Food, Nutrition & Health.
  • She recommends other authors in her niche, indicating her engagement with the broader writing community focused on nutrition and spirituality.
  • Lanu reflects on the wisdom of good health and the support of good people as being paramount in life, quoting Imam Ali to underscore these values.

Hello everyone, my name is Lanu

Look deep into Nature, and then you will understand everything better

Lanu Pitan. Image by Lanu Pitan

After Dr Mehmet Yildiz pointed out those of us who have not submitted a bio, I believe I am obliged to submit one.

Who Are You?

  • I am divorced, a mum and also a grandmother. I love nature, as this is closely related to my spirituality. My passion is spiritual recognition and maturing. I want to learn more about the relationship between nature and the spiritual. I love travelling and getting to know other cultures. I have this huge ambition of visiting all major cities of the world. I must confess I have been to a few so far. I love to make friends, and people say I am hospitable. I am naturally a happy and bubbling person, a half-full cup person.
  • I love the truth, always, all the time, hence I am usually uncomfortable in a situation that is subjective or judgemental and does not allow for truth. One reason I hate politics.

What I do.

  • I have read an article, that corrected people’s notion of who they are as to what they do. The article says, ‘’when you ask people, who they are, their response is usually, I am a nurse, a doctor or whatever.’’ The article says, that’s NOT who you are, that’s what you do. Now to what I do.
  • I am a Chartered Accountant and qualified by going through the traditional method of articleship (similar to apprenticeship/or on-job learning) with Earnest & Young International.
  • This means, in essence, I was exposed much earlier to the Board-room game and Corporate greed before my qualification.
  • After qualification, I worked as a Chartered Accountant for over thirty years, getting to the peak of my carrier as Group Head, Finance of a publicly quoted Insurance Company before I retired.
  • I am now managing my own small limited liability company, and write in between. I do also volunteer two days a week with a charity that support adults with a mental health issue in a residential setting.

Why write on Medium?

  • Sometimes early last year, (2019) I started receiving Medium Articles through my email. I enjoyed reading most of the articles. I found myself responding to some articles, and later I received an invite for a paid membership. Fair enough, I took up the opportunity in May 2019 but did not start to write until three months after my subscription.
  • I have seen enough of greed in the corporate world and how enough is never enough. The experience has a great negative impact on me, so I want to move away from all that, but prefers something that will connect me with my passion — nature and spirituality.
  • I believe every writer has a message to the world at large — to those who will listen, and effect the necessary change. A writer’s message will resonate with those who need that message and will minister to them. The bell can ring on for a long time, but when the time is right, the message will sink in.

‘’When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.’’ Chinese Proverb

I started on Medium by reading its numerous articles and responding to some. This is still an important aspect of the fellowship Medium provides. We all need to read each others’ articles and interact by commenting, highlighting, and clapping. Applause is still important, although not used as a yardstick for payment any more.

If we respond this way, everyone will be successful on this platform.

Why I write For Illumination

I generally do not look forward to submitting my articles to publication, despite the benefit of curation. The main reason is rejection. Just like MADOC MADUKA once mentioned, a writer has put his best in submitting a piece, so if the editor believes it is not good enough, that's a tough job.

A writer just wants to keep writing, and will surely improve if he keeps writing, and that is the encouragement ILLUMINATION is giving to its writers.

I am grateful that I have one of my writing, Servants Of God curated on manystories.com, despite the fact that I am not that active on the platform.

My writing Interest

When I was in the Corporate World, I always put one or two relevant quotes in my Financial Report. I discovered that the quotes seemed to interest a lot of members of the Board, and others at large. It did minister to them indirectly.

I still love quotes and some who follow me here will notice that I sometimes respond with quotes. Quotes have a way of teaching vital lessons of life to those who have ears to listen. I published a book, Wisdom in Management, in relation to that. This book is now out of print.

Image by Lanu Pitan

I write on nature and spirituality (as a topic), and the Science of Nutrition on Health. I love cooking and tried to eat healthily. I know what we eat impact massively on our health, and it takes a paradigm shift to know that it is essential and important to living and eating healthily.

‘When the food is correct, there will be no medicine’’ Ayurveda Proverbs.

The science of nutrition on health cannot be overemphasized. Food choices can massively impact on our health, and it is unfortunate that people are still eating foods that are detrimental to their health.

I believe Preventative Care is the future of medicine, where the emphasis is on lifestyle changes to prevent chronic illness and live a free, joyous and abundant life. This is what nature intended for every one of us.

My writing in this aspect intends to give the right knowledge to everyone and allow them to make an informed choice.

Two Of My Article Link

Do I Write Anywhere Else?

Yes, I have two websites, and the contents are updated regularly.



Any Big Plans For 2020?

Yes definitely. I am currently undergoing a Professional Certification Course in Food, Nutrition & Health at Wageningen University in Netherland. I hope to obtain the qualification early next year, By His Grace.

Recommend Other Authors In My Niche

Elemental Publication with a vast array of authors is huge on various topics on nutrition and health.

J J Lim is another author that concentrates on nutrition and health.

Kira Dawn writes on a kind of spirituality that documents her personal transformation.

I love all others I follow and read their articles, too numerous to mention.

I am happy to be part of this community, which is now my second family.

Let me end by sharing this from Imam Ali:

‘’I tasted all that was sweet, but I found nothing sweeter than good health.

And I tasted all that was bitter, but nothing was more bitter than being in need of good people.

I carried both iron and rocks, but nothing was heavier than debts.

Therefore I know that life is two days: a day for you and a day against you! So when it is for you, be not not reckless: and when against you, be patient, as both will expire’’ Imam Ali

Writers Bios
It Happened To Me
Personal Growth
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