

heaven is underground

free verse poetry

Image by Aristal Branson from Pixabay

i just keep falling and that’s all i’ve been doing since we met

i’ve been falling.

but don’t punish me for losing my balance, it isn’t my fault gravity was never a friend of mine

look, i’m falling.

and if you say you’re in love with me just don’t fall out of it, ok? promise me. you’ll keep the love songs in my life my texture is softening

i’m unraveling

look at me



doesn’t know me


so i find my footing

in mid-air


into magic

because heaven

is underground

Background context

This poem has been waiting ten months for me to make something decent out of it. I wrote it when I was talking to someone I thought was “Almost-Mr. Right”. It was the closest I’d come to good treatment through a screen.

I found myself falling for him in forbidden circumstances. The rules didn’t matter, I lost my balance anyway. At the point of acceleration, this poem was written and remained a draft. I’m in better hands now. I’m in a better headspace. I had time to revisit these words today.

And made something decent out of them.

Enjoy ❤

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