Healing Others Through Words
At the intersection of inspiration, love, and joy

I love writing. I really do. That said, I’ve never considered myself a writer. I’ve always considered myself a healer.
For the first 20 years of my career, my healing work was done in a traditional manner, as a doctor, through the practice of medicine. Over time, I discovered that there was so much more healing possible outside of traditional medicine.
This discovery was born out of necessity. I had trauma to heal. My kids had trauma to heal. I committed to learning how to do just that.
Into the deep
I studied and learned, got new certifications, worked with clients, then studied and learned some more. This went on for years.
In 2016, I started writing and enjoyed it. I wrote the occasional article and a few ebooks. I found it to be a great way to share from my heart, to communicate what I’d learned on my Soul’s journey, in the hopes that it would help someone on that same path.
My greatest love, though, was connecting with people one-on-one. Doing deep healing work. Extracting their trauma. Watching them shift from understanding to embodying. Being an active participant in transforming their lives.
That was why I quit my doctor job. Healing was my WHY.
Inspired action
Fast forward to late October 2021. I launched a movement to bring awareness to narcissistic abuse and healing to its victims and survivors. I knew the pain and wanted to help others.
I recorded videos for YouTube and repurposed that content into a few Medium articles.
By mid-November, I’d rediscovered the joy of writing and started publishing a few articles per week.
While on vacation earlier this month, I fell in love — with writing — once again. Since December 10th, I’ve published an article every day. It’s only been two weeks, I know. Hardly enough time to call me consistent, but it’s something I now look forward to everyday. (Otherwise, I wouldn’t be writing on Christmas Eve!)
What I really love is the sense of community I feel with readers and writers alike. I love reading the comments, receiving the messages, hearing that, in some small way, I was a part of someone’s healing journey.
Last week I felt the desire to start writing even more. It felt exciting, expansive, like part of my calling.
I shared this with my husband — including my concern. “But I’m not a writer,” I said. “I’m a healer. My healing work is my calling.”
(I currently offer high touch, intensive healing work for a handful of clients and do an online group healing session every Monday morning.) How would I serve my clients AND carve out more time for writing?
He said to me, with a softness in his voice and a warmth in his eyes that caught my attention, “You heal people through your writing.”
That was a lightbulb moment
I hadn’t thought of it that way. The intent of my writing is healing, speaking directly to the Soul, inspiring infinite possibilities.
I don’t write to gain followers, though I’m grateful for each and every one of you. I don’t write to earn money on Medium, though I am appreciative for that, as well. I write to help others heal — to extract their trauma, to connect deeply within, to reveal the person they were created to be.
This morning I got an email from Medium. I was named a Top Writer in Mental Health.
How was this even possible? I’ve been writing for five weeks (two weeks consistently) and, as of this morning, have 387 followers.
Delighted doesn’t even start to describe it.
Christmas Blessings
I have much to be thankful for this Christmas.
- Each of you
- The opportunity to walk with you on this journey
- The use of words to heal
- My supportive family
From the bottom of my heart — thank you and Merry Christmas!
Disclaimer: This answer is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute medical or legal advice. It’s a recount of how I’ve been able to help myself and others heal from narcissistic abuse and how it may be helpful to you.
Dr Melissa Kalt, MD is a trauma and covert narcissistic abuse expert who helps high-impact women break free from the longstanding after effects of narcissistic abuse. Download her free risk-assessment guide, 3 Hidden Financial Risks Every High Income Woman MUST Avoid While Coparenting with a Covert Narcissist and find information on working with her on her website.
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