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The website content is a reflective poem exploring themes of trauma, healing, and the desire for a harmonious world.


The poem delves into the personal struggle with psychological trauma, acknowledging the pain caused by unrealistic societal expectations and the silent suffering that accompanies them. It speaks to the yearning for inner healing, the pursuit of better life choices, and the quest for a reality that aligns with one's true desires. The narrative progresses towards an aspiration for a collective rebirth, where freedom from suffering leads to genuine joy, personal growth, and communal harmony. The poem concludes with a vision of an ideal world filled with beauty, connection, and everlasting happiness.


  • The author recognizes the dissonance between societal norms and personal fulfillment, critiquing the "unspoken rules" imposed by society.
  • There is an acknowledgment of a shared human experience of suffering, questioning why it affects so many who simply desire freedom and authenticity.
  • The poem expresses a deep longing for reconciliation and restoration, both individually and within the broader community.
  • A central opinion is that true healing is achieved not just by personal change but also by the creation of a supportive and nurturing environment for all.
  • The author conveys an optimistic view of the future, envisioning a world where everyone is free to grow, express themselves, and reach their full potential in unity and joy.


A Poem About Inner Healing And Restoration

Photo by Bruce Hong on Unsplash

Sometimes the trauma that we feel seems unconnected and unreal,

And we can’t put together our psyche, which is confused and broken,

I recognise all the unspoken rules, written by fools, with false promises

Of what should be, and what isn’t, What we should need, what to believe,

and what we shouldn’t, about all the things I wanted to do but couldn’t,

I long for healing, better alternatives, different choices, more appealing,

And I question why suffering had come for me, and so many others,

When all we wanted was to be free, to become who we are resolutely,

Without exception, or deception, true healing in the midst of confusion,

We long for reconciliation, a world reborn, a glorious joyous sacred morn,

With the birds, singing, beautiful flowers for all to see, Everyone rejoicing,

in being finally, free, free to express, free to grow, free to become whole,

who we were really meant to be, in a better place with better friends,

better outcomes for everyone in a new world where our joy never ends!

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