

Have We Met?

A virtual introduction to Selma

Photo: Selma’s Album 2019

Be humble, for you are made of dung. Be noble, for you are made of stars. — Serbian Proverb

Interview: You and Selma

(Done with preliminary greetings and whatnots we delve right in.)

Y: Can you describe for us what the Medium experience has been like for you?

S: Sure. Hello. My experience has been fantastic. Where else can a word-aficionado write just about anything one desires? *wink* I love Medium for that. And while I’ve never been able to understand fully all the rules of the game, I’m glad that I’m part of this amazing platform for Writers.

Y: When did you join the community?

S: In the spring of 2018. But for the mere dozen articles that I managed to post by the end of that year, I spent hours on end reading to my little heart’s content. Amazing! It was a great start.

Y: On scrolling down on your profile, I notice that you write for quite a few publications. Was it easy getting to write for such great Publications?

S: Well, in the beginning, I was too shy to approach publications so I just wrote and published on my own for the entirety of that first year. But sadly enough, my topics never garnered much traffic. Though at the same time, I got some needed practice and fodder for future posts. *laugh*

By the beginning of 2019, I had made a few acquaintances, and friends on Facebook *touches heart* and some of them ran publications to which they kindly added me as Writer. I was glad to join.

It came as a big surprise to me when more and more people started reading my words. After getting a taste of that, I braved it and approached a couple publications which, sad to say, some have closed shop now.

This is a great place to be. Being in the company of all these great Writers, I feel triumphant and this feeling has helped me to find my way through this maze that Medium is. *contemplative* yes… that’s how gradually I became a bit more outspoken in my articles.

Y: What themes do you cover?

S: Niche… There are topics I will not touch, and tones I will not use but I like to write on themes around generosity, mindfulness and many times, peace and spirituality. Yes. And centered around these topics I let the words flow from a happy place.

Y: Were you always in the Writer program?

S: No. I didn’t join the Writer program until the middle of 2019. And if you care to know, the biggest amount I’ve amassed here is a whopping $15.00. But I’m not a complainer. The money is just the icing on the cake. The biggest blessing for me is meeting so many talented people here who read and comment on my articles and who have become real friends. That is the greatest miracle of all to me.

Y: Speaking of miracles, I see that you end all your articles with what I see as a signature phrase, of sorts? Can you tell me a little about that?

S: Ah, you noticed? Sweet! But I’m warning you, this could get long. *laugh* You know, that signature — yes, it is that. I started signing off on all my email correspondence with my friends and relatives with those exact words for, oh, let’s see… yes, for over fifteen years now. And upon starting Medium it dawned on me how much I liked the feeling those words ‘gave me’ when I wrote them and so I decided to bless all my readers with my best wish of all.

I Wish You Miracles is a simple greeting to let you know that Miracles are for real; that I believe in them and that I want you to become aware that you, whoever you may be, are entitled to miracles. Very simply, it’s sort of like wishing a person happiness on their birthday. It’s like saying to them, “Hey, today is your birthday so you deserve to have a happy day. Make it so!” You see? *big smile* I’m saying to you, “Hey, you are alive, you are loved, you are special. And You deserve miracles. So claim them!” I’m just making you aware of this, you see?

The big thing about Miracles is that once you become aware that someone like me can wish for you a wish like that, that should induce a “how” in your mind. Like, “How does that happen? You make it sound as if it was up to me.”

Y: uh…

S: *facepalm, interrupting* Well, don’t those four little words set your mind awondering? I-Wish-You-Miracles.

Y: uh…

Okay. Let me explain.

Say for example you dash out of your house, in your best business suit and pumps, rushing to catch an earlier train in order to not be late for that job interview. You’re so busy in your pursuit that you fail to notice your next-door neighbor, who you actually like, standing out by your gate.

You fail to see the neighbor and the rest of the “things” happening around your vicinity, no doubt. You’re busy, that’s why. Understood.

Now imagine that neighbor, liking you back, *nods* and wanting to do something nice for you, by saying, “It’s fixin’ to rain, huh!”

In all your busy-ness that morning, you’d look up at the sky to confirm and run back to retrieve an umbrella. Claim it. Wouldn’t you? *laugh* I think you would.

Y: Yeah, at least I’d notice the thick clouds overhead. (You laugh)

S: See there? You’d notice! Just as when I mention “Miracles” that word would… here, let me share a photo I have on my phone. *takes out phone*

Photo: Every day Spirit, Mary Davis

Y: Yeah, I think I understand now. Thanks for sharing. Last question, are you on social media… where else can we find your work?

S: So glad you asked. Well, Twitter and on my website — see my profile — but the biggest bulk of my work is here on Medium. Here, I’ll share some posts that reveal more about me. This is an introduction to me, after all, isn’t it?

Y: That it is. Yes. Please share those Medium posts so we can get to know more about you. And thank you for doing this today.

S: It’s my pleasure. I’ve written many articles about ordinary little old me. Many, but here, let me share these six. Have a fantastic day and as always, I wish you Miracles. Claim them. *wink*

“It could happen any time, tornado, earthquake, Armageddon. It could happen. Or sunshine, love, salvation.

It could, you know. That’s why we wake and look out — no guarantees in this life.

But some bonuses, like morning, like right now, like noon, like evening.” — Lama Surya Das

S: … Like friendship.

Thanks for reading. I Wish You Miracles.

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