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Hard Lessons in Art: Becoming a Dedicated Writer

Invest and believe in yourself.

Photo by Windows on Unsplash

Your writing journey is unique to you and only you. No two writers embark on the same path. Ideas may have a likeness to each other, but what’s for you is mandated only for you by the universe and the gods.

Art is defined as a creation that is produced with fascination and skill, and that is beautiful or that expresses important ideas or feelings.

“Write without fear. Edit without mercy.”

We put our emotions on paper, creating decorative, elaborate, and alliterative words serving as testimonies for the masses. Our words are made beautiful and complex to some, or basic and abstract to a few.

Writing isn’t a hobby for us. It’s our method of expression. We are artists.

Writing personifies the definition of art, as we writers pull from our souls, evoking memories of our past and hopeful future. Sometimes, writing does not get the acclaim and respect as it should in the art world, but with many advocating for inclusion and acceptance.

We are proving over time how dedicated we are in creating a masterpiece of words and phrases that translates into poetry, fiction, prose, essays, and memoirs.

“Write without fear. Edit without mercy,” is a motivational quote from the website, Lady Jabberwocky. The site’s author, Victoria, tells us to “write with heart.”

Writing with heart is the first trait required in becoming a dedicated writer. Identify what your goals are. Stay focused. Learning from your mistakes builds confidence and experience.

Surrounding yourself with people who inspire you is essential in building your dedication to writing. They keep you motivated and at some point, you will thirst for more of their feedback and praise. It’s human nature. Finally, celebrate your small wins and reward yourself for each milestone reached.

For example, my goal is to write and complete a chapter in a writing project every two days. At first, my goal was writing a chapter everyday but unfortunately, life happens. Why would I set myself up for immediate failure if I know I have a busy schedule everywhere else? Achieving my goal will be difficult and I would not set myself up for success.

This wouldn’t build my confidence. It would lead to growing anxieties and cause me to do the exact opposite of dedicating myself to writing. Giving up would be inevitable.

Remember to create SMART goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bounded. If it’s not achievable, why subdue yourself to unwanted frustrations and failures?

When you put in the time and energy into what you like, you will see immediate results of self-love and self-care while dedicating time to improving your art as a writer. The mistakes and errors you made as a beginner are in the past. You are a professional writer now and you owe it all to practicing and learning.

Finally, place yourself in an atmosphere of confidence and inspiration. Dark rooms with extreme temperatures are no place for writing. You are too focused on the external instead of concentrating on the brilliant thought that has been brewing internally.

It takes time to cultivate, to find your niche, to understand your message, and how to communicate your thoughts to an audience who eventually develop into a following. I’ve never known art to be “a get-rich-quick scheme”. This goes without saying, if you are making money from your writing, kudos to you.

Keys to Becoming a Dedicated Writer

  1. Write with heart.
  2. Surround yourself with people who inspire you.
  3. Create SMART goals.
  4. Invest in yourself.
  5. Create an atmosphere of confidence and inspiration.

Our love for the art of writing is one of the most cherished methods of expressing and representing who we are as individuals. This display of uniqueness and creativity is how we build our following.

We owe it to ourselves to enjoy our love for our craft by putting in the time and effort by becoming a dedicated writer. Our dedication will show in the quality of our work.

Copyright ©Le Voir N. Lewis 2023 All rights reserved.

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