Hamas’s Plan Is Working
The terror attack last Saturday is part of a bigger plan to create moral outrage throughout the world. The initial outrage is for the Israelis, the final outrage will be for the Palestinians.
Hamas have provoked Israel to attack the people of Gaza. This was part of the plan. Desperate people are doing a desperate thing to escalate the situation. The escalation involves Israel massacring thousands. This massacre will lead to a massive outrage throughout the Arab and Muslim world as well as Afrca, South and Central America, Spain, The Netherlands and Ireland.
Hamas have delberately provoked Israel enough to vigourously increase its level of oppression to that of genocide. This will put the Saudis and Emiratis furhter out of step with the Arab and Muslim worlds.
The best solution for this ongoing conflict is a One State Solution. You can call the new state Israel/Palestine or Palestine/Israel. Both Israelis and Palestinians will share power and land. The rights of minorities will be protected and both Palestinians and Israelis will have equal rights under the law.
End Apartheid and South African style black homelands for the Palestinians. They have been forced off their land. Let them flourish.