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Guns DO Kill People. GOP, Get Your Head Out of the Sand.

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Will wonders never cease? The new Speaker of the House has brought forth his first legislative proof of life. He didn’t chop anything off, really, but he did set off on a fool’s journey. In order to demonstrate his MAGA creds he dutifully presented a bill to fund military aid to Israel by taking money away from the IRS. He is serving notice that he will not fund Ukraine. This doesn’t really do much more than poke the bear because it is DOA when it arrives in the Senate. So essentially what MagaMike accomplished by showing off to his MagaClan was that he was a rebellious little shit who has no idea what leadership is or what the gravitas of his office requires and that gravitas is not a national requirement, it is an international requirement. But MagaMike is such a Johnson he has to cosplay for the birds of his feather. He is not addressing reality, in other words. In true MAGA fashion, he has run his flag up his flagpole, as it were. And no, I don’t know if it will hold a towel in the morning or not. That information is beyond my pay grade. However my pay grade allows me to observe that unification is necessary before any harmony can even be contemplated, really. I don’t think MagaMike got that memo about unification. He probably missed the sign on the way in, too. He belongs to the UNITED STATES Congress. You know united as in unified????

I have no reason to bitch about any of this, but I have no sympathy for people who shoot themselves in the foot. The MAGAdoodle contingent of the politaverse is seemingly given over to self-inflicted wounds. There’s no wonder because that slice of the politapie has chosen to forego the agony of defeat and have opted for the grotesque (if not macabre) practice of burying their heads in the sand while leaving their asses all too exposed to reality. This is a convenient position for those who do not want to address reality, or on a more charitable note, cannot address reality. When a MAGAdoodle congressman has his or her head buried they cannot see a classroom of third graders murdered by a nut with a weapon suitable for assaulting a beachhead. “Oh that really happened? I didn’t have access to my phone. I’ll tell you what: why don’t we send them all thoughts and prayers and God love you, hun.” From that awkward position they just can’t see how guns kill people. From their position it appears that hearts kill people. America is a world leader of murderous hearts, don’t you know. We just happen to have more guns per 1000 people than anywhere else in the world. Can’t be the guns as long as you have your head buried in the sand or something. Pro tip: Amazon has a decent plexiglass belly button. Especially helpful for the head-locationally challenged.

As far as I can tell the reason people stick their heads in the sand or wherever is when they really do not want to look at reality. For them the fantasy running in their heads is what is real. It isn’t that they cannot see reality. They see it just fine and it makes a wonderful projection screen for their fantasy. Besides, that fuzzy day dreamy fantasy good feeling drifting by on the wings of apparent international grandeur arriving on acts which honor God and demonstrate loyalty to the Fatherland has to be terribly seductive to someone who is so divided he cannot face his brief mayfly-like existence. Thinking of which gives rise to his fears of forbidden dreams. What would happen if he so much as considered something God didn’t approve of? Would his soul be damned to hell? I might believe that if I could see evidence of said soul. For example in a previous epic of MagaMike’s life, his chosen ministry was gay-conversion therapy. I’ve heard that the reason someone teaches is because they cannot do. Now that’s an interesting rabbit hole, isn’t it?

It is right at this juncture that the poor folks who get seduced by parochial stories about what belief is and what it entails are just as enthralled by the Golden Bachelor as they are by Charlie Brown and The Great Pumpkin. They’re folks looking for a better life. An easier life. Where that self-wounding thing takes place is when they try to sell their idea of reality. They forget that because they spend so much time with their head buried they don’t see all of reality and so they legitimately can say they don’t know about that part of reality so they think they can insist that reality is what they say it is. They literally cannot visualize reality with components they cannot see.

People like MagaMike and Coach Tommy and even that Georgian Peach Marge can say that they are all concerned about fetuses with the electrical pulse of cells but not the more matured version which requires protection from machine gun wielding ignoramuses. I think this is actually considered to be bad form but be that as it may, what the Senate-wannabe Mr. Smith goes to Washington star Coach Tommy Fuchwidit is doing for his boy scout badge of loyalty to religious cosplay really is no excuse to paint his face in that smug righteousness. God ain’t gonna be happy if you screw around. Due to your insistence that you alone can hear God’s voice because of the size of your ears, are Israel and Hamas going to ignite that shipping container of cheap fireworks called the Middle East? If you MAGAdoodle’s get that done, will mommy love you more? I don’t think you’re going to be as good as you smug little boys think you are. Next time God talks to you, hit record.

In one way I have to admire our modern day Mr. Smith for his audacity and resolve. However, I have to wonder how a man can be that divided against himself. Is this some kind of atonement for a lifetime of mediocrity? How could such a quest unify anyone or anything? If the Magadoodle contingent is really all that compliant with the teachings of the scriptures they might want to recall that Jesus said to give unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s and give unto God that which is God’s. If abortion is an issue for you, it is a religious issue. It cannot be a state issue because the state must allow for the religious beliefs of many religions. A religion will only apply to a defined percentage of the state while the beliefs of a religion are applicable only to the practitioners of that religion. In a state there are many religions.

Peter Drucker said, over and over, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.” Lots of people have said that because knowing where you’re going tells you when you’re done with that part of the journey. To still live in the day dreams of childhood, while cosplaying religious smugness does not demonstrate governmental gravitas. Especially when religious smugness is employed as a legitimate substitute for legislative competence. It’s sobering to consider that a man second in line to the Presidency of the United States is unaware of the reality he must address on the international stage and considers himself smugly righteous because he perceives himself to be doing God’s work. The problem is, the only job of a legislator is unification not division.

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