avatarDr. Jena Pugh


Guilt-Free Fun is the Best Productivity Hack

It’s possible to feel like a kid again

Pure joy. Photo by Jacky Zhao on Unsplash

My life and productivity drastically improved when I embraced guilt-free fun during graduate school.

How it Started

After working a 9 to 5 job followed by a 5 to 9 (or later) student schedule, I started getting resentful of people enjoying their lives while I squinted through cheap blue-light glasses to write another paper.

Working 12+ hours daily was a badge of honor even though it was deteriorating my well-being. And with each hour in a long stretch, my productivity dwindled.

I was working harder, not smarter.

One day, a favorite podcaster emphasized the human need to have something to look forward to.

All I was looking forward to was finishing a work project or section of my dissertation. (Or my next snack.)

How sad is that?

And I know I’m not the only one.

In that moment, I resolved to have something to look forward to each week to boost my motivation and productivity.

Something fun.

And I would not allow myself to feel guilty while doing it. My soul depended on it.

After the first month of instituting this new life policy, my shoulders relaxed from their semi-permanent hunch, I fell asleep more quickly, and I felt actual joy looking at my calendar again.

And the best part?

My focus increased, which allowed me to finished my work more quickly… making time for more fun.

3 Steps to Have Guilt-Free Fun

Sometimes, we need a map to even the simplest destinations.

  1. Remember to enjoy life
  2. Choose your preferred fun
  3. Schedule it… and show up guilt-free
Photo by George Bakos on Unsplash

#1 — For the recovering workaholic, first remember that life is meant to be enjoyed as much as it is to be a productive member of society.

Research shows the benefits of restorative activities on our ability to focus, so it is imperative that you take time to live a little.

More specifically, engaging in activities that put you in a flow state make you more productive in other facets of your life (Inc.).

Whatever activity or hobby that is for you, do more of it.

And drop the guilt.

My favorite fridge magnet says: “Don’t take life too seriously, you’ll never make it out alive.”

Photo by Vika Strawberrika on Unsplash

#2 — Choose your preferred fun activity.

This will vary based on location, money and time available in any given week. Adjust your activities accordingly.

Short on time or money?

Here are options for low-cost, easily-timed fun that will restore your spirit when you have a lot on your plate (perfect for graduate students):

  • Schedule a call with someone you care about (ex. a friend from high school or your grandma, she misses you!)
  • Go for a walk around your home or at a park: fresh air improves focus
  • Meet up with a friend and finally try out that new coffee shop together
  • Play like a kid again, swing on a swing or blow bubbles without fear of judgment
  • Google “free activities in [your city]” — you’ll likely be surprised at what’s happening nearby

Now it’s time to commit to the fun.

Here’s the final step.

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

#3 — Schedule it.

Put it on your calendar and show up.

That’s it.

This step sounds the easiest, but it’s not.

You’d be amazed at how many people drop the ball when the day comes. They take one glance at their to-do list and let unnecessary guilt take over.

Think of every event that — when the day came — you had zero interest in going but went anyways.

Nine times out of ten it was worth it, you had a blast and felt like a better version of yourself afterwards.

The busiest seasons in life are when you need guilt-free fun the most.

Pro Tip: Add a note-to-self on your calendar that you’ve pre-planned this, you deserve to enjoy life and that you will be a better person for it.

Quick Recap

3 steps to have guilt-free fun:

  1. Remember to enjoy life
  2. Choose your preferred fun
  3. Schedule it… and show up

When you pre-decide to give yourself a break and have fun, you do not need to feel guilty taking it.

You already know the time away will refresh you for the next task when it’s time to get back to the grind.

What are your favorite activities to squeeze restorative fun into a busy schedule?

Dr. Jena Pugh spent 12 years working at a Big 10 university where she read thousands of applications (it’s less glamorous than it sounds). Now, she helps working professionals apply to graduate school to achieve their career goals.

Connect with Dr. Jena on LinkedIn and share her profile with a coworker, friend or mentee who’s thinking about going back to school.

Graduate School
Productivity Hacks
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