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Poem: Growth Hacking — 7 Tips To Self Growth

Check out these 7 tips that will kickstart your self growth

Here lies tips to maximize your growth Some will nod and fail Some will take head and grow I provide the path Its up to you to go

Tip One: Do you want to grow? The flow of wanting Is better than the force of wasting True inner-change can’t be forced Otherwise, you will retort

Tip two: Believe you can do anything Doubt causes fear It limits your options From within and to near

Tip Three: Speak your truth to the Universe Let the law of attraction Work its magic The benefits will soon be tremendous

Tip Four: Positive meets Positive Be very grateful And have gratitude Positivity is like a magnet You gravitate to the natural Positive habitats bread Like-minded people Ideas synchronize and glow As freely as the alkaline water That rejuvenates your blood flow

Tip Five: Health Is Wealth Alkaline eating is the way to go If you haven’t heard of Dr. Sebi Now you are in the know He’s cured most common diseases and ailments When you eat healthy You bread Generations of the wealthy

Tip Six: Invest in yourself Never stop learning Always read books Education is a weapon Whoever doesn’t agree is a crook They steal your mind power Your ability to think for yourself Stay away from negative people By investing in yourself

Tip Seven: Provide Value Sharing is caring Don’t keep knowledge to yourself When you help others to grow Your growth is increased in itself The object is to evolve As a people and as one You can’t get there If you don’t provide value to at least some


©Quaisha A. Thornton, 2023 via The Poet Pledge

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The Poet Pledge
Self Improvement
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