avatarRiku Arikiri


Riku Arikiri introduces himself as a reflective writer with a deep appreciation for darkness and its paradoxical role in human life, aiming to share his diverse experiences and perspectives through his writing on Medium.


Riku Arikiri, a writer who embraces the complexity of human experience, shares his philosophy on the value of darkness in life, viewing it as a sanctuary that holds our deepest fears and hopes. He emphasizes the importance of discernment and curiosity in understanding the world and oneself. A man of many experiences, Riku seeks to highlight important yet often overlooked issues, and through his writing, he invites readers to engage in self-reflection and personal growth. His journey on Medium is an experimental hobby that allows him to connect with others on a profound level, as he explores the transformative nature of life and strives to leave a positive impact on his audience.


  • Darkness is not inherently evil but a space that can hold our fears, hopes, and dreams, offering both peace and the potential to consume our will.
  • Riku values discernment and curiosity, using them as tools to analyze scenarios and predict outcomes.
  • He believes in the significance of spiritual connections and the impact of our choices, denying the existence of coincidences.
  • Writing is a means for Riku to process and share his conquered grief, anguish, and other struggles, aiming to enlighten and move his readers.
  • Riku's decision to join Illumination was inspired by a meaningful interaction with Isak Dinesen, and he appreciates the opportunity to experiment and grow as a writer within this community.
  • He aspires to a balanced approach in life, aiming for a self-sustainable yield rather than mastering a single aspect.
  • Riku defines himself by the impact he has on others, considering himself abstract yet generic by nature.
  • He emphasizes the importance of giving more than expecting, finding value in the unexpected moments of enlightenment.
  • Riku is grateful for the opportunity to share his experiences and learn from others on Medium, expressing appreciation for the editors, writers, and readers who engage with his work.

Audio notes are in progress

Greetings, I’m Riku Arikiri 😄

A name within a name, An identity within an identity — A Man of Eloquence

The Author — An Enigma’s Relic


An Introduction seems like a far fetched idea. I believe we are much more than what we write but our words can give a perspective towards who we are. Regarding myself, I am a man of a myriad of perspectives, and views. I believe that Darkness has a lot of value in any being’s life. Darkness seems a bit scary to most people, it is something that is feared and marked as evil. Although, evil itself confines in darkness. Darkness seems like any void but it consumes your will. There is peace in it, for I can say but it will eat away your hopes, worries, and even dreams. It seems like a way to contain yourself, everything that breaks you from within; darkness can hold all of them with ease.

Think of it as Pandora's box, darkness is the void that can dispel your anguish and despair. It’ll eat away anything you throw at it, there’s nothing darkness can’t do. It also preserves light, it shelters it. It isn’t necessarily that evil; We are. We are all capable of great, and gruesome acts. We can realize ourselves but we are so much clouded with the norm of striving towards being recognized by it, we tend to forget ourselves and perhaps our purposes.


Throughout my lifetime, as far as I have traversed; I have always tried to use Discernment as a tool to judge what comes, and predict what can happen! It is a fine tool, for analyzing any scenario, action, or result that can arise from literally anything. Curiosity is one thing, I admire when it comes to searching answers. But I’m more concerned with questions and learning through the communication of ideas, perspectives, and critiques. Coming on medium seems like a good journey, although I have used many platforms and communities before, this seems a good opportunity to raise a voice towards highlighting issues that really demand our attention though how grotesque or hard to swallow these truths may be, they need to be brought to light. They have sat in the darkness for way too long, It is time for them to be realized by the world that shunned them, which led them to confine themselves in darkness in the first place.

Although so far, I believe that medium isn’t the best place for those contemporary issues. Perhaps, they never will be known. But that doesn’t stop me to write about such and such. As just like darkness, I’m someone who has amassed a lot of grief, anguish, despair, agony, strife, failure, angst, and furthermore conquered them through perseverance, persistence and patience having given time. There is much more to life than reading and writing. I have always found ways to connect with others on a subliminal level, whether it be through text, writing, voice, and vice-versa; though I’m not a writer this is just an experimental hobby that I find myself in, whenever I feel the need to connect with people’s sense of self.

About My Writing Journey

I tend to write generically so that the reader can resonate with it regarding their perspectives, so if somehow you get triggered.

It might be something you should bring to light regarding yourself which can help you improve yourself as a human being, as well as what you aspire to become.

I’m hoping to write about the vast amount of experiences, I have gained in the short but expansive amount of lifetime I have traversed through. I have seen life to evolve from a level that is very trans-formative in nature, It has built a resolve that keeps on building and improving the foundations of my mindset, and perspectives. Adding on as layers of truth, experience, struggles, hopes, dreams, voices, support and vice-versa.

Joining ILLUMINATION was an Idea that I got inspired by Isak Dinesen when I interacted with her majestic soul, by choice. There aren’t any coincidences in our lives, I believe there is a spiritual significance to what we do, and what we chose when we connect with other people. I could say that I have been able to improve my peer’s lives through the peace I have been bestowed upon through my experiences. It does give you a feel of being self-conscious around me perhaps, that is what I’ve witnessed or heard so far. When Dr Mehmet Yildiz accepted my request, it seemed like a very exciting day for me. I haven’t been on medium for that long, as a writer but Sir’s acceptance email was probably the best feeling I had in a while.

It aspired me to write about many things regarding life through a poetic context. Although, I wanted to experiment with the things that I have never tried. Thus, this publication gave me a chance to experiment, fail, and moreover succeed by connecting with readers, writers, and editors alike. Thus, I’m hopeful in writing and sharing exquisite and enlightening details and experiences that will definitely move you to the core, in time.

About My Self

It’s better to be 1% of everything than to be a 100% at one thing, yet i strive for the maximum output weighed at 66.67%, that is a self sustainable yield.

It’s a question, I ask myself all the time. Who am I? Who would I become?, if not what I did to reach who I am today? There is much what I could write, about myself but I’d summarize my entirety of being in one sentence,

“I’m the impact, i leave on other people.” — Therefore i’m abstract to define but generic by kind.

You can understand, who i am through what i write. It is as realistic, and rational as it gets as seen from my eyes, words, experiences and my soul.

I expect less, and give more as it helps me to be at peace in life. There are many lessons I could write but that would defeat the purpose of enlightenment, as it comes slow and unexpected just like the precious AHA moments, that give us the random moments of leisure and joy.


I aspire to become someone who will be able to allow you to make my experiences yours, and allowing me to make yours mine. There is a lot to learn for both of us, on this journey towards discovery of wisdom and knowledge, as we both have to deliver in ample amounts.

Following are the list of contents I have written updated daily, I hope to see you there, in time.

Thank you to the editors, writers, and readers of Illumination, and Medium for giving me the opportunity to write about my experiences in fluid detail.

Thank you to everyone who finds value, in what i write! You’re what makes this world a blessed place to live in. Stay Blessed, and Stay Safe! ❤

Riku Arikiri

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