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The poem "Great Mother" is a poignant tribute to the author's paternal grandmother, reflecting on the spiritual and life lessons passed down through generations, the disconnection of the newer generation from the earth, and the grandmother's final season of life.


"Great Mother" is a free verse poem that honors the memory of the author's grandmother, a woman deeply connected to the earth through her life's work in the garden. It emphasizes the importance of labor and the spiritual bond formed with the land, which sustains her family and imparts wisdom across generations. The poem laments the modern disconnect from these traditional values, as the younger generation fails to appreciate or engage with the earth as their forebears did. The narrative culminates in the grandmother's last spring, where she is confined indoors, her fields left untended, and she passes away, leaving a legacy of hard work and spiritual connection that remains unappreciated by the newer generations.


  • The author holds their grandmother in high regard, viewing her as a symbol of resilience, spirituality, and nurturing.
  • There is a sense of reverence for the lessons learned from the land, which are seen as vital for survival and spiritual fulfillment.
  • The poem conveys a critique of the modern generation's detachment from the earth and the values of hard work and spirituality that it represents.
  • The author seems to mourn the loss of traditional ways of life and the wisdom that comes from a close relationship with nature.
  • The grandmother's final moments are depicted with a mix of sorrow and peace, acknowledging the end of her toil and her lasting impact on the family's heritage.

Great Mother

Free Verse Poetry — Spiritual and Life Lessons

~In loving memory of my paternal grandmother~

Image By Jacob Lund @ shutterstock.com

Back bent, she works her garden Hoeing here, pulling weeds there — This is her life’s blood, to provide for her family Idle hands have no place here We learn early on If you want to eat, you tend the garden This becomes our life too Becoming one with the Earth Our hands gliding over beans and rhubarb Silent prayers to the Great Spirit Generations pass — Lessons learned from Great Mother seep into our bloodline We’ve all tasted the fruits of her labor But she has become antiquated — The newer generation unable to understand Unwilling to work Mother Earth A disconnect between body and spirit

One last season, she begs The desire to feel the earth again overcomes her But her request is denied The land she has labored sits barren, a wasteland Spring comes in all its majesty Flowers bloom as Great Mother wilts in her room Alone, she watches her fields return to Nature’s bounty Always up by dawn, the morning passes Aunts rise from their slumber No coffee, no breakfast, where is Great Mother? In her perfectly made bed, not a line out of place Great Mother lies — withered and pale, eyes closed at peace — she’ll toil no more

©2020 Lori Carlson. All Rights Reserved.

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Lori Carlson writes poetry, fiction, articles and personal essays. Most of her topics are centered around Relationships, Spirituality, Life Lessons, Mental Health, and the LGBTQ+ community. Check out her personal Medium blog here.

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