avatarSheronda Lofton




It’s a Reality Check and a Special Kind of Therapy

Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

Early the other morning my husband and I were awakened to a beep… beep… beep… beep… by the carbon monoxide detector.

My husband immediately called 911. The emergency dispatcher instructed us to not open any windows or doors… to get out quickly. “Go outside or stay in the garage until the fire truck comes,” she said.

We slid on warmups quickly over our pajamas to keep warm and went to the garage and sat in his truck until the firefighters arrived.

When the three men got there, one checked for gas levels in the house and it showed no sign of the colorless, odorless deadly gas. In the meantime, the beeper kept beeping. The firefighter eventually figured out that the detector needed to be replaced.


The alarming incident got me thinking MORE about gratitude.

I believe God’s goodness and mercy were surrounding us, no doubt, but it was also the practical part that helped, which was having a carbon monoxide detector to alert us.

We were so grateful for the outcome. In fact, an endless list of things I was thankful for flooded my mind, starting with life and the arrival of the firefighters.

Think back over the past week. What things are you grateful for?

Do you have a carbon monoxide detector?

I do this gratitude check every day and as I get ready to go to sleep, but I REALLY made sure I did it that day.

Gratitude really is a reality check and a special kind of therapy.

What do you think?

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