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The author, James Boylan, reflects on his personal journey of recognizing God's presence in his life and the lives of others, despite past transgressions, and finds inspiration in a quote by Saint Francis of Assisi that reinforces his work with the homeless in Flint, Michigan.


James Boylan shares his revelation of God's consistent work in his life, a realization that came after nearly four decades of not acknowledging this divine presence. Despite his past unholy actions, Boylan emphasizes that God never abandoned him. He draws strength from a quote by Saint Francis of Assisi, which he serendipitously encountered in a Wayne Dyer presentation, affirming that if God can work through him, then God can work through anyone. This message resonates deeply with Boylan, as he often tells the homeless individuals he works with in East Side Flint that change is possible for them, just as it was for him. The discovery that his own sentiments echo those of a revered saint enhances his sense of hope and conviction in his mission to instill hope in others.


  • The author believes in the transformative power of divine intervention and its ability to inspire change in individuals, regardless of their past.
  • Boylan acknowledges that despite his previous unholy actions, God's grace remained with him, which he sees as evidence of God's unconditional presence and work in his life.
  • He finds a profound connection between his personal beliefs and the historical quote from Saint Francis of Assisi, which validates his message of hope and recovery.
  • The author's experiences have led him to conclude that there are universal truths that transcend time and individual thought, as ev

God’s Work is Being Shown To Me Regularly

now, all that I must do is pay attention to what I am seeing

Photo by Jill Wellington in pexels.com 40815/

I am forever amazed and blessed to realize how blessed I am and to see and be reminded on a regular basis of how God works in my life and in the lives of others.

For almost 40 years, God was with me but I either didn’t or couldn’t see it. With all of the unholy things that I did in my life, He never left me. On top of this, I believed that I was the only one who ever thought like this.

Today, I was listening to a Wayne Dyer presentation on YouTube and heard the truth in this. He stated the following quote. “I have been all things unholy. If God can work through me, He can work through anyone.” The quote was from Saint Francis of Assisi. Imagine my amazement when hearing who had said this.

I deal with the homeless and hopeless of East Side Flint on a regular basis and in some of the discussions that we have, I tell them “If I can do it, you can too!” And I really feel this is true. It always seemed to me that it might have been an original statement that I was making.

Since I have been studying spirituality, I have heard that there are no original thoughts. There is a Universal thought that I can tap into. And yet, I was amazed when I saw that the quote was from Saint Francis.

Amazed and filled with an even stronger feeling of hope. God works His wonders when I humbly ask for help.

Now, when working on giving a hopeless person a smidgen of hope to start, I will think and even be able to say with even more conviction “I have been all things unholy. If God can work through me, He can work through anyone.”

Thank you, God!

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