Girl Scout Cookie Goals
My daughter started in Girl Scouts as a tiny Daisy five years ago, and her first cookie goal was 100 boxes. At the time, this seemed overwhelming to her as a little first-grader. She made her goal, and the next year, she had more confidence and set her goal to 250 as a Brownie. She made that no problem, then the next year it was 500, then 750 as a Junior.
When she set her goal to 750 last year, she was faced with some negativity and was told she would not be able to do it. To me, it’s unthinkable to tell anyone, especially a kid, that they will never meet a goal! I told her to ignore it and press forward! Just being told she could not do it put a fight in her. Not only did she make the goal, but she also exceeded it.
She set this year’s goal to a very ambitious 1,000 boxes, and she was able to exceed that as well a with a total of 1,290!
This year’s cookie season was a good reminder and motivation to never give up on your goals and dreams, whether it’s a sales goal, buying a house, doing something you love, traveling somewhere you have never been, or finding your soulmate. anything is possible if you have it imprinted in your mind that it will happen.
Never give up, even if you have those negative voices tugging at you! Turn that negativity around to give you motivation and prove those naysayers wrong! With the right mindset, you can reach all of your goals and dreams!