avatarKassy Menke


Gifts That Cost Time And A Little Thought

Here are some gift ideas that you can do with stuff already in your house

Sometimes money is tight and you aren’t able to go out and purchase a gift for a loved one but you still want to give them something.

Here are a few ideas that I think could be nice to share with little to no money spent.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

+Annotate one of your books on your shelf and gift it

+Make baked goods & share

+Write a letter to someone and include a picture of you and that person

+Write up a coupon booklet

+Frame a photograph

+Write someone a poem

+Write/play them a song that you are dedicating to them

+Do a closet exchange with a friend where they get to pick an item of your clothing as their gift

+Artsy friends-offer up your skills for them like painting them a picture, take their portraits, teach them a skill like cooking or dancing, etc.

+Give them a list of ten things you love about them and frame it

+Find a candle in your house and wrap it up cute with a bag of popcorn

+Old clothes, hats or gloves you are about to donate? See if any of your friends or family will like them?

+For those of you who are the “always busy” friends, offer up a long walk or couch hangout with your undivided attention for conversation and visiting. Some people just want to spend time with you

+Don’t underestimate the power of a good card

+Cook a meal for someone

Thanks for stopping by! As always, be kind to yourself and others!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me. You can find more of my work at this link.

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash
Gift Ideas
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