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Linda Latt is a passionate writer, mother, and grandmother who embraces her quirky nature, advocates for climate change, and aims to live an active and fulfilling life while sharing her journey and insights through her writing on Medium.


Linda Latt introduces herself as an individual who is constantly evolving, feeling like she has a young person's spirit trapped in an aging body. She compares herself to the Mad Hatter, acknowledging the quirkiness and a touch of madness that makes life interesting. Linda is a firm believer in the unique qualities that define each person and is determined not to be ordinary. She began writing to express her feelings and the wonders she sees in everyday life, starting with a blog and eventually contributing to various publications on Medium. Linda's life experiences include being a mother, grandmother, and a once divorced and remarried woman who has worked in banking and pursued higher education. She finds solace in nature and animals, is passionate about climate change and recycling, and has a deep love for music. Linda's goal is to live past 100, maintaining an active mind and body, and she sees her writing as a way to share magic and inspiration with others.


  • Linda views herself as a dynamic individual who is always changing and growing.
  • She values the extraordinary aspects of life, such as wonder, mystery, and fun, and encourages others to embrace their quirks.
  • Writing is both a challenge and a joy for Linda, serving as a means to stimulate her brain and share her inner thoughts.
  • Linda is an advocate for self-improvement and believes in the importance of staying mentally and physically active.
  • She has a profound connection with nature and animals, considering them essential to her well-being.
  • Linda is deeply concerned about climate change and sees recycling as a critical issue that requires collective action.
  • Music plays a significant role in her life, bringing her joy and fulfillment.
  • She is open to the idea of magic in the world and believes in its presence within individuals.
  • Linda's diverse interests drive her to continuously seek new experiences and knowledge.
  • She is motivated to be a part of the Medium community to inspire and be inspired by other writers.

Getting To Know Me

A little bit about who I am


Hi, my name is Linda Latt.

How do I describe myself when I am continually evolving?

I am an older female that has a younger person trapped inside my aging body, screaming and begging to be set free.

It keeps nudging at me and lamenting about how much there is to do, don’t slow down, do not stop. Keep pushing and work hard, and do not forget…let’s have some fun.

Sometimes I feel a little bit like the Mad Hatter from Alice In Wonderland.

“There is a place, like no place on Earth. A land full of wonder, mystery and danger. Some says you survive it, you need to be as mad as a hatter. Which luckily, I am.” — The Mad Hatter

The world is a wondrous place where there is indeed mystery and danger, and yes, there may be a tad of madness in us all.

I am a firm believer in the quirkiness that we all carry inside. I think that is what makes us special.

Truth be told, I do not want to be ordinary. How about you?

So, I have been exploring my feelings and the things that make me quirky — the wonders found in plain sight if we look for them.

Sometimes, I will write about them, and some I will keep tucked away inside me. Maybe, I will share them later.

That is what is bubbling inside me as well as all the day to day ordinary happenings that impact me. I, of course, write about those as well.

It was never my intention to be a writer. I dipped my toe into the water by starting a blog.

Then I became compelled by the need to search for self-improvement. I have an eagerness inside me to do more and keep stimulating my brain.

I want to let that young person out and set it free.

“I refuse to go gently into that good night.” — Dylan Thomas

On my quest to explore my inner self, and expand my knowledge to keep my brain active, I stumbled upon Medium. I found so many well-written articles and authors that made me want to read more. It was stimulating, and it was fun.

Reading Medium confirmed my desire to become a writer. I was hesitant at first, but I am becoming more comfortable. Writing is a challenge for me, and I am striving to open up and share more of me on the pages I write.

I am a writer for Illumination, The Mind Cafe, Ascent, Any Writers, Imperfect Words, and 1-Minute Reads.

A little background information

I am a mother and a grandmother. I have been married, divorced, and then married my high school sweetheart after a time-lapse of 38 years. I have two wonderful sons who inspire me all the time and three grandchildren who fill me with hope for the future.

As a single mother, I worked a full-time job, went to college, and earned my bachelor's degree. I worked in banking for 26 years.

My life has been filled with all sorts of animals, small and large, my own and those of my children. Animals have been my constant friends and companions and have made my life richer for their presence.

If I want to center myself, I go outside. Early in the morning, you will find me in the yard with my dog and cat, greeting the day. I love to garden and have multiple flower beds across our property.

I am passionate about Climate Change. Recycling is high on my list of critical problems we all need to become involved in solving. In the future, I believe our biggest challenge will be water.

Music is part of my soul and fills my heart with joy.

My favorite performance is Hallelujah sung by Pentatonix, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LRP8d7hhpoQ. I listen to Michael Jackson when I am on the Treadmill. I like Country and Classical, some jazz, a little salsa, and the list goes on.

I believe in magic. Magic is everywhere, and it is in all of us. To find it, we have to be open to it and willing to believe.

My interests are varied and endless, and there is a very long list of activities I desire to do and accomplish.

My goal is to live to 100+, so I am passionate about being active, both mind and body. I am always searching for ways to improve.

That is why I am here on Medium and writing for Illumination. I want to be part of this varied group of writers who inspire me.

There is magic in the written word, and I hope to find some magic and share it with you.

Self Introduction
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