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The top 10 of Generative AI tools for everyone or the Magical Creation of Something From Nothing

Want to read more about AI tools, have a look on my other stories.

Generative AI refers to systems that use AI techniques to generate new content or data. This can be anything from text, like chatbots, to images, like those you see generated by systems like DALL-E.

Generative AI is a category of AI that focuses on creating new content, rather than analyzing existing content. So, it’s not just about analyzing and understanding data, but actually generating new text, images, or even video.

The key thing here is that the AI system is not simply regurgitating something it has already learned, but instead generating something new.

These models are capable of generating new content, rather than just recognizing patterns. But how do they do that?

Neural Networks

AI generated image using Ideogram.ai

The key is in how they are trained. Generative models are trained using a technique called “generative adversarial networks” or GANs for short.

GANs are made up of two neural networks, which are systems that are designed to mimic the way the human brain works. One network is called the “generator” and the other is called the “discriminator.”

The generator network is trained to create new content, like images or text.

The discriminator network is trained to determine whether the content created by the generator is real or fake.

The two networks compete against each other, with the generator trying to create content that the discriminator can’t distinguish from real content. They both get better and better at their tasks.

The generator learns to create more and more realistic content, and the discriminator gets better at spotting fakes. Eventually, the generator is able to create content that’s so realistic, even the discriminator has a hard time telling the difference.

That’s how a generative model is able to create something that seems to come from nothing.

Note: To learn more about Generative AI wonders, you can have a look at this article


One of the most well-known uses of GANs is in creating new images that look like photographs.

DALL-E (OpenAI) and Midjourney are two different image-generating AIs that have become really popular recently.

They both work by taking a text prompt, like “a cat riding a bicycle,” and using a GAN to create a unique image that matches that description.

You can get some really wild and creative results with these systems. We’ve gone from images that looked obviously fake to images that can fool even a trained eye like this one:

AI generated image using Ideogram.ai

There are already artists who are using these systems to create amazing works of art. It’s possible that in the future, AI could be a powerful tool for artists to explore new ideas and create things that wouldn’t be possible without this technology.

Another potential application is in creating images for video games or movies.

With generative AI, it might be possible to create incredibly realistic scenes without having to do any physical filming or animation.And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Generative AI could also be used for things like creating new designs for products, generating 3D models, and even creating realistic human faces. The possibilities are endless! And this is all just the stuff we can imagine right now.

Who knows what other amazing applications we’ll come up with in the future.

Note: If you want to build your own AI Chatbot in less than an hour without any coding experience, you can read this article


AI generated image using Ideogram.ai

I think it’s important to stay optimistic and open-minded about AI, even though there are also some valid concerns about the technology.

Here’s a worry that AI will replace human jobs and cause widespread unemployment. On the other hand, there’s also an argument that AI will actually create more jobs than it displaces, and that it will free people up to do more creative and meaningful work.

Instead of taking away jobs, it will simply change the nature of work.

It reminds me of the Industrial Revolution, when a lot of people were worried that machines would replace human labor, but in the end, it actually created more jobs and led to huge advancements in quality of life.

In this future, humans would focus more on creative and meaningful tasks. Things like art, music, science, philosophy, and interpersonal relationships would all be domains where humans would thrive. And AI would handle things like data entry, calculations, and other tasks that don’t require human intuition or emotion.

So essentially, AI would augment human capabilities, rather than replace them. It would allow us to focus on what humans are uniquely good at, rather than on the tasks that machines are better suited for. It’s not a world without work, but a world where work has more meaning and purpose.

And it would give us more time to focus on what really matters to us, as humans. It’s like AI would handle the busywork, and free us up to focus on what really makes us happy and fulfilled.

One thing that comes to mind is the economic and political systems that currently exist. Many of our current systems are built around the idea of efficiency and productivity, rather than fulfillment.

Both the technology and the social and economic systems need to evolve in order to achieve this vision of the future. And it’s not just a question of developing better AI, but also of changing the way we think about work, productivity, and fulfillment.

Maybe work and productivity isn’t inevitable or “natural”, but is actually a product of the culture we live in. And if that’s the case, then maybe we could change that culture and create a world where work is more about fulfillment and less about efficiency.

It’s almost like a world where Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is the driving force behind our economic and social systems, rather than things like GDP or quarterly profits.

To conclude on this topic, it’s a future where technology serves human needs, rather than the other way around. It’s a future where technology is a tool for helping us live better lives, rather than something that alienates us or makes us more stressed or unhappy.

For more concerns about AI, have a look at this article

My Top 10 AI Generative Tools for everyone

10. DALL-E 2

You’ve probably heard of DALL-E, which is a tool for generating images from text prompts. DALL-E 2 is the follow-up to that tool, and it’s even more powerful.

DALL-E 2 Prompts and the results generated

You can give it a text prompt (a description of your expactation result), and it will generate incredibly realistic and creative images based on that prompt. Pretty amazing.


A language model that can generate text. It can write blog posts, product descriptions, social media posts, and more.

So it’s kind of like a robot writer.


Quite similar to DALL-E 2, but it’s focused specifically on generating images that look like they were made by a human artist. The results are really stunning.

Some people have described it as “Photoshop but with natural language.”

07. ChatGPT-4

This is a very powerful language model that can generate text on just about any topic. It’s been used for all sorts of things, from writing poetry to creating chatbots. And it’s incredibly good at mimicking human writing.

Some people have described it as “scarily good.”

Find all the new features of ChatGPT explained here:

A very powerful and free alternative to ChatGPT is Google Bard, learn more about this AI tool that can write anything here

Another brillant one is PI AI, your ultimate companion in the age of AI

06. Stable Diffusion

This is similar to DALL-E 2 and Midjourney, but it’s completely open-source. That means that anyone can use it and modify it however they want.

And people have done some really creative things with it!

05. Playground AI

This is a really unique tool that allows you to interact with a language model in real time. So you can have a conversation with the model, and it will remember what you said and respond intelligently.

Both Playground AI and ChatGPT are based on language models, but there are some key differences. ChatGPT is a “chatbot” that’s designed to mimic human conversation. It’s great at generating responses that sound natural and human-like.

While Playground AI is more of a “sandbox” where you can play around with a language model and see how it responds to different inputs. It’s less focused on having a conversation and more focused on letting you explore the capabilities of the model.


A really cool tool that combines the image-generation capabilities of DALL-E with a web interface that makes it really easy to use. You can give it a text prompt and see the generated images right away.

It’s almost like having your own personal digital artist at your fingertips!

03. Stable Horde

A really unique tool that allows you to run multiple language models in parallel and combine their outputs. So you can have multiple models working together to generate text or images.

It’s like having a whole team of AI collaborators working together!

02. DreamStudio

This is a web interface for Stable Diffusion that makes it even easier to use. You can generate images and edit them right in the browser, without any coding or technical knowledge.

It’s a really powerful and intuitive tool for anyone who wants to explore generative AI.

01. Hugging Face

The platform that provides a wide range of tools and resources for working with language models and other machine learning models. It’s basically a one-stop shop for anyone who wants to do anything with AI. It has APIs, a web interface, a community of developers, and a ton of pre-trained models that you can use.

It’s the swiss army knife of the AI world!

Bonus: Ideogram.ai

A new AI tool that allows you to create images from text without any experience.

It is built from scratch by a team of world-renowned AI experts from Google, and it solves one of the major flaws of existing generative AI tools: it can finally render coherent text inside images.

To use Ideogram AI, simply type in a description of the image, what you want to create directly on the home page.

For example, you could type “a cat sitting on a keyboard” or “a cityscape at night.” Ideogram AI will then generate an image that matches your description.

For more tips about Ideogram:

Thank you for reading me, hope you enjoyed this article as I do, follow me for more tips about AI & Digital

Note: If you want to build your own AI Chatbot in less than an hour without any coding experience, you can have a look at this article

Artificial Intelligence
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