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Generating Automatic Notifications for Old Posts (Before December 2020)

Anthony (Tony/Pcunix ) Lawrence found out serendipitously …

Photo by Mike Szczepanski on Unsplash

I recently posted a short-cut method to circumvent the hazards and the hassles of duplicate publication.

Smillew Rahcuef suggested that I check out Anthony’s, response (below) to Christine Stevens’s piece (cited in my post).

… I also found accidentally that the “Email to Subscribers” in the 3 dot menu DOES send to people who were not subscribed to email when the story was published, even though it will squawk and say you’ve already sent it.

When I tried his method for old posts, notifications were not sent to any of my subscribers — except for the nine pieces I’d posted prior to my having acquired my first subscriber in October 2021.

Even though that faithless cad departed within days thereafter — presumably intimidated by the deluge of brilliance — the “subscribers” switch was irrevocably flipped, which triggered the (already sent notifications for this post) “squawk” that Anthony refers to.

I conferred with him in hopes of resolving our paradoxical findings

Ooops, Now I just tried another and it is NOT working.

I don’t know. It was working. Medium is a mess. By all logic, it should work that way. Maybe they changed something and broke it.

So, it still will work for articles before December 2020. [Not sure whether he means through December 31st or November 30th].

This explains my failed experiments: I didn’t start posting on Medium until September, 2021. (Will Medium ever stop “fixing” things? Rhetorical question.)

I’m looking forward to testing Anthony’s assertion, by proxy.

Though it is, alas, of no personal consequence, I’ll be thrilled on your behalf if it turns out that notifications get sent to subscribers for posts prior to December 2020.

If you posted before December 2020, I encourage you to participate in the experiment.

Use the “three-dot method” (icon on the right, beneath the subtitle of your piece; click option “Email to Subscribers”) to send notifications on an old post. Let me know what happens (or doesn’t, as the case may be).

Here’s to hoping you can go dot-dot-dotting merrily along your portfolios …

… if not, avail yourself of my fallback method, the link to which introduced this post.

Cheers. LIZ

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