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Full Frame Photography Challenge: 52 Week December Edition

Yep. December. We’re doing this thing in reverse.

Photo by author.

I don’t like breaking rules, normally. But then, it’s not actually rule that one has to do this photography challenge from January through to December. Rodrigo S-C wrote this here:

If you start late, go back and catch up. If you want to jump ahead, go for it. If you want to skip a month, or three, that’s your choice. We are adaptable.

So I’m jumping ahead. And more than that, I’m doing it backwards.

It’s so tempting, of course, to see a prompt like “The End”, and save it until the end of the year, and use it for the purpose of a yearly review. But nah. I won’t do that.

Here we go then. A brand new 52 Week Photography Challenge — in reverse.

52 — The End.

Photo by author.

Sometimes I feel that I’m at the end. Like I can’t carry on. Like there’s nothing else to live for.

In those times, the truth of reality still exists in me, somewhere, probably lurking around in the back of my brain. It’s hard to see. But not entirely impossible. I can see just about enough of it to prevent me from totally giving in. Just about enough to grasp on to the fact that actually, this isn’t the end.

And that, really, it’s just the beginning. The toes have merely been dipped in this bizarre and extraordinary experience of “Life”. There’s more to come. Keep going.

51 — Sign of the times.

Photo by author.

Okay, well that was heavy. And interestingly, I notice that the 44th prompt in this delightful challenge is entitled “Heavy — Like yeah…dude.” It appears my timing is off. I knew that anyway. Moooving on… Let’s lighten things up a little.

Here, have a clock.

Sign of the times, right?

There are several things I appreciate about this photo.

  1. The rounded corners. I love a rounded corner. And specifically, the contrast of the rounded corners with the square corners.
  2. The fat numbers.
  3. The fact that the time is 2 o’clock, but actually it’s not. I don’t know why I appreciate that, and I don’t consider it important enough to stop and search the depths of my soul to figure it out.
  4. The oranges and blues of the tiles.

This photo was taken in the early autumn of 2016, in an old man’s house. I could write reams on this old man, and his wife, and perhaps one day I will.

50 — White noise.

Photo by author.

When I hear the phrase “white noise”, my thoughts immediately travel back to 2012, the year our first child was born.

I find it so intriguing that children are born with a huge portion of their characteristics already formed.

This one didn’t waste any time in announcing her arrival to her parents. And apparently she didn’t want to waste any time sleeping, either.

We discovered white noise, and it was like some kind of magic was happening. As soon as our screaming daughter heard the white noise, she calmed down. I installed a good white noise app on my phone. We bought a white noise machine when we realised we actually need our phones to use as phones.

In the midst of those tense and never-ending moments of screaming babies, you think thoughts like, “This is it. This is now what life is going to be like forever.”

But now, eleven years later, I realise I was wrong. Phew.

Staying on-topic though — white noise. Any coloured noise. It’s all good. My personal favourite is brown noise. It’s a little more mellow.

49 — Hard to explain.

I’ve got to admit, I struggled to fit anything into this prompt. But I found something. Here we go.

Photo by author.

We’re time-travelling back to 2005.

Missed opportunities.

A fork in the road.

A glimpse of a different reality.

A choice was made.

Hearts were hurt.

Life carried on.

I still remember.

It’s hard to explain.

Full Frame
52 Week Challenge
Photo Challenge
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