avatarAnn James


This week en Calzoncillos : “Is Carson City a good place to live?” “It used to be.”

Frozen Pizza on the Rocks and Californication in a Border Town

Ingredients: Maple and Hawthorn tree leaves. But is it frozen?

Or can Leo walk on water?

Pizza on the rocks. Ready to enjoy. Look at that crust!


Lucy inspects the dilapidated basketball court next to a new 3–4 bedroom development that is filling out the last of the open space on a busy road (College Parkway) which leads up to “Harvard on the Hill” (the community college) and through the already overcrowded city to Death Road (Highway 50).

The closest building to the east is an assisted living facility. (Understaffed, of course).

. . . and the next is a long-time empty building which was once a K-Mart, for a short time a gym that closed during covid. Most of this entire strip mall is empty. Even a McDonald’s didn’t last, which is a good thing.

Maybe the owners of these buildings and the Ormsby House (empty for 20 years) should pay a blight tax to help repair the lousy infrastructure.

— rant over —

I’m going to eat my pizza now!

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