avatarKelly Crawford


From Rebel to Redeemed: My Miraculous Journey Back to God’s Love

Redemption. That’s what God does.

Photo by Capuski by Gett Images

Growing up, I was raised in a Christian home. Sunday mornings were for church, Wednesday evenings were for Bible Study, and every meal was preceded by a prayer. Before bedtime, my Dad read God’s Word to us. He had always been in ministry, so I was saturated, from a very young age, in all things Christianity.

But as I got older, about the time I entered public school (I had formerly attended only Christian schools), I laid it all on a shelf and rejected everything I knew to be true.

I wanted to experience life to the fullest. I was tired of being “restricted” by the rules and teachings of Christianity. I wanted to make my own rules, to live life on my own terms. I became a thrill-seeker, indulging in partying and promiscuity.

It was all fun and games at first, but eventually, the consequences of my actions caught up with me. The rejection of what I knew to be true caused me to feel angry, empty, and purposeless.

I was obstinate, arrogant, and self-righteous, even as my life spiraled out of control. I continued down a self-destructive path for 14 years.

I ended up an unwed mother at the age of 20. I continued living a life I knew had no fulfillment. In and out of relationships, chasing what couldn’t satisfy my emptiness, there came a time when I didn’t really care to live.

But even in my darkest moments, God never gave up on me. He relentlessly pursued me, calling me back to His love. Through the tear-filled prayers and love of my parents, God brought me to my knees and I surrendered my life back to Him.

What happened in that very moment was simply miraculous.

I remember the moment it all changed. I was taking a walk, watching as the sun slowly set behind the trees. I was crying out to God to heal my heart and take away my misery. In that beautiful moment, I felt the weight of my sin lift off my shoulders. I felt a peace I had long forgotten wash over me like a cool stream. The sun setting behind those trees had never looked more beautiful.

Life had returned to my soul. A friend of mine remarked, not long after,

“I see a genuine change in you. I see it in your smile. There is a radiance that wasn’t there before.”

Redemption. That’s what God does.

Now, I see God’s love in everything around me. I see His beauty in the sunsets and the stars. I feel His presence in the kindness of strangers and the love of friends.

I know that I will never be perfect, but I am filled with joy and hope, for I know that God is with me always. And though there may be moments when I stumble, I know He will never give up on me.

I share my story with others, hoping that it may inspire them to find their way back to God’s love as well. I know that life isn’t always easy, but I also know that with God’s help, anything is possible.

Follow me to catch all my stories. I’m a Christian, wife, homeschooling mom of 11, speaker and author. Catch me on Facebook or visit my site.

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