

Freedom: 7 Things I Stopped Caring About

It’s doing you no good to care about absolutely everything, you don’t have to.

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I used to care about absolutely everything. Your opinion of me, the world and everything in between would play on my mind for days, weeks and sometimes even longer.

Then I realised that for the vast majority of the people I interacted with, their opinions really meant nothing to me. I immediately saw a positive change in me when I stopped taking everything to heart.

From then on I adopted rules, 7 in total. Here are the 7 things I stopped caring about which has ultimately led to me being happier. It’s a lot simpler than you think.

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1. Other People’s Opinions

One of the biggest obstacles to personal freedom is the constant worry about what others think of us. I realised that seeking validation from others only limits my own potential and authentic self-expression. By letting go of the need for approval, I have found the freedom to live life on my own terms.

2. Perfectionism

Literally nothing is perfect, except your children (in your eyes). I used to waste so much time trying to achieve flawless results in every aspect of my life. But perfection is an illusion, and it only leads to stress and dissatisfaction. Embracing imperfections and focusing on progress rather than perfection has allowed me to experience true freedom.

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3. Material Possessions

We often associate our worth and happiness with material possessions. But in reality, material possessions do not define who we are. Letting go of the attachment to material things has freed me from the constant desire for more. I have learned to appreciate the simple joys of life and prioritise experiences over possessions.

4. Negative Self-Talk

Our inner critic can be relentless, filling our minds with self-doubt and negativity. I made a conscious effort to stop listening to that negative voice inside my head. Meditating helped with this and by practicing self-compassion and positive self-talk, I have freed myself from the chains of self-limiting beliefs and embraced a more empowering mindset. Don’t get me wrong, my inner doubting Thomas will show up every so often but I have learned how to shut him up quickly.

5. Past Mistakes

Holding onto past mistakes and regrets only weighs us down. I realised that dwelling on the past prevents personal growth and hinders our ability to move forward. By forgiving myself and letting go of past mistakes, I have opened up space for new opportunities and a brighter future. We all make mistakes and as long as we acknowledge them and move on, the easier it gets to accept them.

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6. Comparison

Constantly comparing ourselves to others is a surefire way to diminish our sense of self-worth and limit our freedom. I chose to focus on my own journey and celebrate my unique qualities and accomplishments. Letting go of comparison has allowed me to appreciate the beauty of individuality and live a more authentic life. It is natural to compare yourself to others. Just don’t let it define you.

7. Fear of Failure

Fear of failure can hold us back from taking risks and pursuing our dreams. I realised that failure is not the end, but an opportunity to learn and grow. Embracing the possibility of failure has given me the freedom to step outside my comfort zone and embrace new experiences and challenges.

You may only be able to let 1 of these things go or none. Trust me, constantly remind yourself that none of this stuff really matters. Only when we start to realise this can be truly be free.

Remember, freedom starts within you.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

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