avatarBruno T.


A guardian reflects on the ephemeral beauty of a child's dance, disrupted by a fall, and the resilience found in the aftermath of pain and healing.


The narrative captures a poignant moment where a guardian observes a young girl, referred to as "my princess," engaging in joyful, fleeting dance moves. The dance, symbolic of carefree innocence, is abruptly halted by a fall, which introduces a stark contrast of sorrow and pain within the previously joyous scene. The guardian, a silent observer, is moved by the incident, emphasizing the fragility of the moment and the necessity of strength and support in the face of adversity. The child's resilience shines through as she is comforted and begins the journey of recovery, encapsulating the enduring spirit of both the guardian and the child.


  • The author perceives the child's dance as a delicate and transient expression of joy, emphasizing the beauty of fleeting moments.
  • The guardian's role is seen as a silent, supportive presence, offering a safe space for the child's recovery and growth.
  • The fall is portrayed not just as a physical injury but as a broader disruption to the harmony and innocence of the child's world.
  • The use of morphine is acknowledged as a necessary intervention, yet it is juxtaposed against the raw reality of the child's pain and vulnerability.
  • The narrative conveys a sense of admiration for the child's bravery and the guardian's unwavering support during the challenging period of healing.
  • The guardian views the entire experience, including the pain and recovery, as a complex yet simple dance of protection and care.

Fragments: Ephemeral Pirouettes

The disruption fractures the dance.

Photo by JOSHUA COLEMAN on Unsplash

My princess moves in ephemeral pirouettes on whispering circles, delicate forms of roller wheels materializing beneath her joy-infused, transient feet.

She swirls, she spins; her laughter is a complex interlacing within her joyful symphony, a dance free from the terrestrial chains that bind.

And I?

A silent sentinel enveloped in shadows.

Ponder the fleeting,” murmurs my soul, “envelop yourself in her transient laughter’s symphony.

The disruption fractures the dance.

My name, a stark resonance within the hushed chamber of sudden sorrow.

A mere fall, whispers contend.

My proximity reveals limb, a contorted landscape articulates a mute, poignant reality.

Fragmented,” converging thoughts emit calming murmurings to her gaze, “it will rejuvenate, my luminance.

Her eyes reflect silence interwoven with pain; the keening of sirens ensue, succor is on the horizon, the arena’s unseen seraph bestows consolation, her shattered wing held stationary.

I, the tranquil lighthouse amidst her storm.

The journey juxtaposition of newfound amusement and the pervasive pang.

Photo by Author

Alert her matriarch,” whispers the internal symphony, missives propelled through the unseen streams.

The sanctum of restoration validates; that the fractured melody needs harmonizing.

The essence of Morphine cloaks her in an amnesic embrace, but the wails pierce the still air, her delicate years a sharp silhouette against the backdrop of human vulnerability.

Remain valiant,” whispered tendrils of strength interlinking silently.

The storm retreats, and the resolute spirit, encased in plastered armor, fortifies the diminutive warrior.

In this journey, the guardian and the heavenly dancerᅳemerge from the tempest clad in unbroken luminance.

The dance of protector and protection is riddled with mystifying reflections. Fragmented echoes span vast existence. It’s a layered waltz; a complex simplicity.

Photo by Author
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