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Forgiveness: The Unearthly Experience

Untangle the Knots, Heal the Wounds, and Transcend the Ego

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

In our lives, we often unknowingly harbor numerous grudges, nurturing pain within ourselves. These emotional burdens can make our journey through life less joyful. The great Lord Mahavir provided a profound solution to this state of mind — forgiveness.

Forgiveness is a state of mind where anger becomes futile. It’s like a calm oasis in the scorching desert of our emotions, where the heat of anger has no influence. Through forgiveness, we can untangle all the knots, heal all wounds, and establish sweet relationships with everyone.

When someone wrongs us, it merely reflects their actions and karma. Their deeds will eventually catch up with them. Conversely, if we react negatively, we are being unfair to ourselves.

It is a universal reality that whatever injustice we do to others, we also inflict on ourselves. Thus, if we damage someone in retaliation, we effectively harm ourselves.

Photo by Alex Shute on Unsplash

Forgiveness doesn’t hinge on worthiness or unworthiness; it transcends such considerations because forgiveness is not something we bestow upon others. It’s an extraordinary experience we gift ourselves.

A person once spat on Lord Mahavir in a gathering of enlightened beings. Without hesitation, the Lord asked him to calculate the wrongs he believed he had done to him. Upon reconciliation, he was set free. The essence is that forgiveness bestows upon us an unearthly experience.

Forgiveness is a path to inner peace and harmony. It transcends ego, preventing us from seeking apologies and inhibiting us from offering scorn.

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