avatarAnn James


Pitfall Language

Foreign Languages Maid Easy

The good old days in Mound House, Nevada


Some of you know I’ve worked as a maid at the world famous “Moonlite Bunny Ranch” in Nevada. Twice. 😁


Es un gran lugar para estudiar español.

It is a great place to study Spanish.

¡Oh, no! Howard Stern está aquí con el equipo de cámaras.

Oh, no! Howard Stern is here with the camera crew.

[This is when some of us hid in the laundry room. It got crowded in there — 12 maids and 20 working girls.]

A menudo hay caballos salvajes deambulando.

Often there are wild horses wandering by.

Trabajar allí inspiró mis historias de “La élite de Georgia”.

Working there inspired my “Georgia’s Elite” stories.

Perro, necesito aprender alemán porque viviré en Suiza el próximo verano.

But, I need to learn German because I will be living in Switzerland next summer.

Mi amigo de brasil publicó esta historia en agosto, justo a tiempo para que yo estudiara alemán.

My friend from Brazil posted this story in August, just in time for me to study German.

by Flavio Musa de Freitas Guimarães

Ahora, Flavio finalmente cobrará por sus publicaciones.

Now, Flavio will finally be paid for his stories.



Flavio is a member of the 88 Years Young Club, along with Ted van Griethuysen and Queen Raine Lore.

There is one deliberate typo in this story. Be the first to find it and receive a post card from Calzoncillos, eNVy.

Brazillian Writers
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