avatarKatie Michaelson


For Writers: Some are writing about the authors who have disappeared from Medium.

Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

So what’s up?

Nothing new.

Typically when writers stop writing on Medium they leave their stories and publications. But not always. Get emails of writers you want to support off platform.

Accounts suspended for rules violations is another issue. It happens. The writer is given an email stating the rules violation.

  • Account suspended
  • A warning and removal of story or comment
  • Article under investigation
  • A warning with request for changes

Not all platforms are so thoughtful.

How can you avoid getting in trouble?

  • Study Medium rules — they are consistent
  • Check out Medium Staff pics to see what they like and what kind of stories are missing
  • Do not rag or rant about Medium, people, publications, groups

Medium is very clear, but you must read the guidelines for yourself!

We are guests on any platform we use, and it is our responsibility to respect the space and know what is allowed and/or not allowed.

Writers On Medium
Mediums Rules
The Daily Cuppa
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